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myOtaku.com: kevmart83

Thursday, April 7, 2005

   *drip drip drip*
Well today was fun, except for the whole nearly drowning thing. It rained here like all day, it was really stormy, and random things kept getting fried by lightning. Ok so I get up to go to class this morning, I shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, all that good stuff. So I start to leave my apartment, which is right next to the school so I ususally walk to school. Anyway I walk out of the apartment and it just starts pouring rain, or as josh said the heavens fell upon starkville. So I'm like well I can drive to class and be thirty minutes late (parking) or I can walk in the rain. And like a moron I walked, I was so soaked by the time I got to class, I had put on a hooded sweatshirt before I left, so I get to the class and just pull the shirt off and leave it in the floor out in the hall. And I'm in class for like forty minutes and the teacher lets us leave, by this point there is a massive puddle around my chair, I come back to my apartment, and go out on the balcony and basically strip, I left shoes, shirt, and shorts out there, I didn't even care that I was standing out in public for all the world to see, in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. That all happened at eight so when my ten o'clock class comes around I drove to it, and surprise surprise, my coat is in the explorer. At that point I realized that I was a complete moron. But I've been dry for the rest of the day. So it's all good.

Hey, I even saw my advisor, and got my classes set up. And I'm only gonna have one lab next semester, which is freaking awesome (I've got five this semester). So this is my schedule.
8:00 Physics
9:00 GeoChem
10:00 Japanese I
9:30 Water Resources
11:00 Seds Dep II
The only reason I'm taking japanese is because you can take it three days a week, as opposed to four days like all of the other foriegn languages.

Oh well cowboy quote time (I apologize elves I know how much it must have hurt missing the daily quote ^_^)

Cowboy quote of the day
"There's no place around the campfire for a quitters blanket"

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