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myOtaku.com: kevmart83

Sunday, March 27, 2005

   I can't think of a good subject...
Well in accordance with yesterdays subject, Conneryalexis is the winner, so yay for her, two thumbs up and etc and so forth, I could do simpsons quotes from here through the end of time probably, I love that show. Anyway I just got home from church, it was fun. People kept offering me candy, and I kept taking it too, I wasn't complaining. But now its dinner time so I'm gonna run, I'll check everyones sites when I get back to starkvegas(school) later today, I think I'm probably gonna leave the saito stuff up until the end of the week, then I'll change back to my old avatar. Well I hope everyone has a great Easter, cause I'm off.

Cowboy quote of the day
"Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement"

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