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myOtaku.com: kevmart83

Thursday, March 24, 2005

   The Boomerang Boogie
That's what I'm listening to. Man today was wierd, in a good funny kind of way. In my second class this morning the teacher was rolling along and all of a sudden the projector up and quits, so he cancells class. Then in my next class, it was environmental geology (with the same teacher) he couldn't find his lecture that he had planned on giving today so we got the history of Austin Texas. And a friend of mine, Josh, went snowboarding in colorado over spring break, and he got hurt, so he's been on painkillers, and he was having some fun with them today, like me and three other people just sat and watched him for like thirty minutes, it was entertaining cause he kept doing strange things. Hmm what else... Oh I found a couple of interesting sites today, one was about the shinsengumi (http://allkenshin.com/history/shinsengumi.shtml), and the other explains the proper way to preform a gottotsu(Saito's attack in my bg in case you didn't know)(http://www.geocities.com/pure_saiyajin/gatotsu.html) You've gotta check this one out its pretty funny. Oh well I get to go home tommorrow(thursday) evening for good friday, so I'll be happy then, but it is my last day off until schools out. Anyway I'm done with this long post, so rock on minions.
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