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myOtaku.com: Keiko Inchihara

Saturday, December 24, 2005

1. How can I tell if you are angry?
More often than not, I tend to rant when I'm angry. If I'm really pissed off, then it's usually pretty easy to tell: I shout, I get defensive, I can get even more sarcastic than usual, I can also get pretty hurtful. At it's worst, I can physically lash out but I really hate doing that... but I do that when stressed moreso than angry.

2. How should I behave around you while you are angry?
Sometimes it's best just to leave me alone, because trying to rationalise with me won't always work, it'll just make things worse (make me angrier). Instead of asking "Are you mad? Are you okay?" Let me know you've acknowledged my anger by leaving me some space. If I deny being angry, just don't say anything, it'll only make me bitchier.

3. How do you want me to behave when you are hurting emotionally?
Just be there for me and listen to me. Let me vent. You can kick my arse when I'm feeling better if that's what I need.

4. Are there things we should ~not~ discuss?
Hmm, it would rather depend on my mood.

5. How should I treat you if you are physically ill?
Just stick with me, if you can, or call me up to let me know you're thinking of me. Talk to me about random things. ^^

6. What makes you happy?
Talking with my friends! Sharing amusing things. Writing. Listening to music. Singing. Swimming. Being with people who are special to me in any kind of situation. Curling up with a good book. Watching a movie. Making people laugh. Playing games, either computer games or board games. Oh yes, and going to my sister's house.

7. How would you like for us to recognize your birthday?
I like birthday cards and birthday greetings. Presents are nice but not necessary. Hugs are always welcome. Just having it noticed can be enough, though lots of presents and a slap up meal with all my friends would be wonderful.

8. Are there any standing categories of presents that would be appropriate or unwelcome?
I love surprises! Even little things are appreciated because it's the thought that's gone into it that I love. (I'm one of those people who mean that) Homemade stuff is especially welcome but anything that's purple, or random (anything) I can really dig.
9. Are there times of the year that are difficult for you?
... not that I'm aware of.

10. Are there important anniversaries that we should recognize in your life?
Oh many. My birthday, my first concert, my first crawl, my first walk... lol, just joking. Just my birthday is fine. ^^

11. Who are the most important people in your life to whom we should defer when making plans on your behalf?
I'm not sure there's anyone. I guess if you're planning a surprise and you want to check if it's the kind of thing I'd like or if I'm available, you could always any of my friends, or plan it randomly yourself, there's very little I won't appreciate.

12. What do you share with others?
All kinds of things! Information, things that amuse me, my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I'll share more physical things like books, dvds or whatever, provided I think you'll look after them.

13. What do you NOT share with others?
Well, I'm hardly likely to say that here, am I? Actually, there's very little I won't share, I'm quite open... but, it depends on who I'm around, if I feel that I might offend you, because that's the way you are, then I won't make you uncomfortable... But see, if you're my friend, you should either be down with me and the way I am, or get the fragging hell away from me.

14. How does someone become your friend?
Make me laugh, have some of the same interests or the same kind of outlook. To become an extemely close friend, you just need to be there for me, let me whinge and kick my butt when I need it. It's one of those, "click" things.

15. How does someone lose you as a friend?
Hurt me. Be ignorant and not care about it. Be prejudiced, or be transphobic/homophobic. On some occasions, ignoring me will do it.

16. What scares you?
Accomplishing nothing... being bored out of my skull, losing all my friends.

17. About what are you most sensitive?
Haha! During my cycle! *cough* Or, if that's something you didn't want to know... how about when I'm really stressed out? Yea... I'd say stress causes lotsa touchy subjects and things for me.


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