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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Writing ~ "Fairy Tale World"
As a kid, you read all sorts of fairy tales; Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast.. things like that. They all send us the same message - you will always manage to find your true love and live happily ever after in your perfect little fairy tale world. You're left with the impression that everything in life is perfect - flawless and that everything turns out right in the end - well, it doesn't.

Sure, you run into a guy who you tell yourself is your "knight in shining armour"; your sweet prince charming, who lives and breathes solely to love you. That's just a veneer. Your "chivalrous knight" is nothing more than a loveless, slimy frog.

Oh, and that little "fairy tale world" of yours? Just a hallogram - or it may as well be, it's about as solid as one. It's nothing more than a petty, idealistic image, created just to ease the pain of our impending reality. I mean, look around us. This place is nothing more than an over-populated, over-rated slum of a civilization.

Teens commit suicide, adults commit homicide, and an occasional looney takes a stab at the ever popular goal of genocide. Yeah, a real fairy tale in my eyes. You feeling depressed by this grim reality?

Oh, I offer my SINCEREST apologies to you. Actually, to you, and your pathetic idea of living in a fairy tale world.

-- Kawaii


Well, just a bit of depressing writing I did before V-day. Just thought I'd post it. Hope you enjoyed one of my many cynical thoughts on life and all of its quirks.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2004

   Ideas in This Head of Mine
That's right, I have some new ideas in this demented head of mine. Been working on my manga/comic.. I never realized how much I'd have to draw in this.. considering I usually draw little 10 minute or less pics, this is a challenge! Who'd have thought? ^-^;;

Have a new idea for a conceptual picture.. (my faves to draw or create). So yeah, if all goes well, I may post some of the newer stuff here. :D You'll just have to wait and see. XD

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Sunday, January 25, 2004

Yes!! I'm starting my own, original manga (not sure how this will turn out..). It's called "Amai Ame". :D Knowing me, and my procrastinating nature.. I'm going to start this and never finish it, but I'm going to do my best to finish it!! So far the art is pretty good; hope you people check it out and let me know what you think of it.

The girl's name is Lei, and I haven't thought up much else. The guy's name is Joseph. ^-^ I'll keep you informed on how this goes.

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Monday, January 19, 2004

Homework Still Runs Free..
Bene, sono vivo. ma non posso essere per lungo. Tutti questi rapporti stanno esaurendo! ;~; Ho rifinito soltanto la mia storia una ed ancora ho mia biologia una da rifinire. Non ho disegnato realmente nulla. ed ho alcune idee di storia, ma quello è a questo proposito. in modo da aggiornerò più successivamente. -_-;;

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Wednesday, January 7, 2004

   School work?!?! >.<;;
Sorry to anyone who actually looks at my stuff, but I probably won't be posting much for a week or so due to the mass amounts of homework and essays I have to do. Sorry! ;~; I'll see what I can do okies? ^~^;;
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Sunday, January 4, 2004

Eeps.. some of my pics have only 40% of the people liking them.. v.v Well that sucks. >.< Are they really that bad?
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Saturday, January 3, 2004

The Abyss (old writing work)
Basically, this is just an old work of literature from about two years ago.. kinda scary now that I read it again, it's so poorly written I think. It's about suicide, so if you're skittish on that, you probably shouldn't bother reading it.


The Abyss

Falling, falling, falling.. Forever I've been plummeting, or so it would seem. The space surrounding me is darker than black, it is darker than dark itself. No light is ever to be seen here, nor is any sound ever to be heard. Screaming did absolutely no good at all, for there was not another to hear them. It is only me who is plunging into the oblivion..

Long have I been fighting off this feeling, trying to keep it from getting me. Though, lately, it has become stronger, so much stronger. No longer am I able to ignore the feeling of utter despair, nor have I tried to. I no longer wish to go on like this, praying each and every day for it to end.

My once tan face can now only be described as pallid. My frail body can no longer endure this brutal punishment. My life has been slowly dewindling away, leaving only the dregs of my soul.

My former life has passed away, leaving me with not a rational idea. 'Go on, it will be quick and painless,' the voice in my head says. 'It will end your suffering, isn't that what you want?' But I don't know, am I ready for death? I have my doubts, numerous ones. What pain would befall me? .. Surely no more than I'm already in. It is time for this fiasco to come to an end..

There, lies my inert body, amidst a sea of crimson. This was a mercenary gain, but it had a very miscalculated reciprocal. Though there is no longer a carrion for my depression to embody, it still causes me great pain..


Well, what do you think? It's not my writing style anymore really, but I still think it's half decent. A bit depressing and morbid, but it's all good. You can comment on it if you like. ^-^

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Friday, January 2, 2004

   A New Beginning
Well since I'm new here I don't know much, but I'm going to put some stuffs in this post just for the sake of it.

If you want to visit my site, here's the URL: http://www.geocities.com/kawaiiyouko4life/Index.html

It's pretty cool. :D

And this is to my ff.net user screen: http://www.fanfiction.net/~kawaiiyouko

Um not much else! Ja ne!

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