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myOtaku.com: Karma of Chaos

Sunday, February 6, 2005

3:29 PM.
Cabron, Cabron

High as a kite right now! Johnnie stayed over until 10:30 last night, and we had a wonderful time. We played Alien Hominid, went out for ice cream, made out, made brownies, watched Resvoir Dogs, made out, finished watching Resvoir Dogs, and "rough-housed" (like, play-wrestling and tickling and stuff) and then fell asleep. He really is awesome. He doesn't try to mangle words or 'play the game'. He just says, quite simply "I like you. A lot." And it's okay for us to have conversations where we just say "you make me happy." It doesn't have to be eloquent, it doesn't have to be like a game of shadow tag.

Ah. But I'll stop gushing about him.

On another one of my journals, I had someone leave an incredibly rude and uncalled for comment. They didn't like one of my opinions, so they just said "wow, for being so young you sure do have the world figured out

i hope you get raped, you cunt"

I left what I hope was a mature and curt reply, basically saying that I didn't waste my time having conversations with assholes like him. But it got me to thinking...why are some people so incredibly immature and hateful? Why do they feel the need to say such things? Is it because they aren't intelligent enough to think of an appropriate response, or are they just too lazy to? Do they realize the implications of making such statements? Of course, I don't know why I'm so surprised, I hear crap like that all the time at school. I guess it's just different seeing it online, because here you've got your own words right in front of you, you'd think it'd make consider what you're saying a little more carefully.

I guess the only thing to do is hope that they get a wake-up call.


hEvN: Yes! Karmage lives!
Mimmi: Awww, danke liebchen. * hugs and kisses *
lea: LOL! ...oh, wait; I mean. 'How amusing.' ;)
Shinarinamin: Yea, I'm looking forward to junior year, and not being an underclassman, lol.

.:Teh End:.

QOTD: "Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none."-William Shakespeare


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