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myOtaku.com: kanarazu-kanau

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Current Time: 10:09 pm

Listening to: Falling (Tales of Eternia)

Feeling: like I have a lot of stuff to do, but I'm not stressed.

Ah! Thank you all for your comments! Even though I updated so late....

Thank you, Kana-chan, for helping me fix the background, and Shizuka-chan, I believe that you made this background, didn't you? I like it a lot! ^^

I can't post pictures right now, but I will in my next post... But I have a question for you guys....

I love music, but I don't know that much. The extent of my knowledge is pretty much some anime music, and very very little J-pop/J-rock .....

So... I was wondering what you guys like or would suggest. It doesn't have to be Japanese either. I'm just looking for new music. ^^;


Actually, since I'm sort of on the topic, does anyone have any books that they would recommend? I haven't read in forever, and again, I was wondering what you'd suggest. actually, since I'm at it, if there's any series that you'd suggest.... XD But anyway, I like pretty much anything, for both music and reading material.

I was thinking of some things to occupy myself with on my break.
But then again, I have a bunch of drawing that I need to work on. Actually I have to work tonight still. I'll probably be up for quite a while still....

I'm rambling again, sorry.

But anyway, I think that's all.




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