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myOtaku.com: kanarazu-kanau

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Inakatta, gomen ne...
(I'm Sorry I haven't been here...)

Listening to: Kana-chan and SakuraYume-chan playing videogames...

Watching: Kana-chan and SakuraYume-chan playing videogames...

I'm sorry everyone... I said that I'd update regularly, but I haven't been... sorry guys... I should have at least visited your sites. I'm sorry, I'll try and do better from now on.

I don't know if much has happened since my last update... I guess that one was full of news wasn't it?^^ Well, a guess that a little bit of stuff has happened, but I feel like I'm bragging when I talk about stuff that happens... but I'm really not, I'm really happy, and I'd be happy for any of you that said the same thing... I guess I'll just tell you what happened yesterday... and I apologize in advance for anything that sounds like bragging... Well, yesterday as a suprise for SakuraYume and my birthday, our mom got us a PS2. I'm so happy~ And we were going to get a 'Tales' game for it, but all the stores we chacked at didn't have any... so our mom got us the Yuu Yuu Hakusho game, and the first two Hagaren games...(I think that there are four Hagaren games, but I also think that only two are out in the U.S. as of now...) We were so happy! ^^ (we still are happy, but...) The only thing I can think to say about it, is that I forgot how messed up funny sounding, on crack, frightening the english version of Hagaren is... I've only been watching the Japanese version on the DVDs... I've still only seen 10 episodes.... but I'm still really grateful to have the games!^^ I've only got to play them a little, but they seem really fun! ^^ To tell you the truth, I never thought that I would have a PS2... =^_^= I'm so glad!! ^^

I guess that today, I should work on Kana-chan and my story... so that I can post the first chapter on my website... .... sorry, that's another thing that I haven't gotten around to doing... I'll work on it today! I really should have some things up on there by the end of the month, so that you guys can see them... oh, something that I wanted to say, is that Kana-chan and my story has original chara in it... so if you guys don't like that... you probably shouldn't read it. But I promise that it's not one of those fanfictions where the character is practically perfect and better than all the other characters in the series. I don't know what they're called, but there like : original character comes, is much more powerful/smarter/more popular/ and every character in the series becomes infatuated with them/ they have mysterious pasts ..... yeah. Our characters are not like that. They are not us. They have faults. And, we hope that you find them interesting... you've read fanfiction that has original characters that you like, haven't you? Well, we hope that you like this too... ^^ Also another thing that I should note: the story is in some alternate universe. We haven't seen enough of the series to write a story that actually involves the series, so we had to make an alternate universe. (We wanted to write a story about Hagaren!^^) So, sorry if there are things that we didn't include, it's because we didn't know them... (this story probably isn't worth putting up, actually....)

That's all I can think of... I should have the first chapter up by tommorow, so please check for it tommorow. I'll tell you all here when I finally do post it.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting~! Sorry for the long post again... I'll try not to do them anymore...~


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