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myOtaku.com: kanarazu-kanau

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Gomen nasai!!!
Time: 4:45 a.m.

Mood: -__- ?

Listening to: Hagaren theme songs.(UNDO, Rewrite, etc...) (+ MOMENTS by Hamasaki Ayumi-san... I wonder why? It couldn't possibly be because I'm waiting for BBI to give me my soul back, now could it.... heh, heh....)

Hey, everyone... Um... I dunno.

Message for JL:

I am so sorry. I tried to send you a private message, and it said that your messages were full. And there was no way that I could tell you, really... I'm so sorry! (Kana is too) We didn't just leave!! We felt so bad, because you asked us a question, and we couldn't reply... we are sorry!!

end of message for JL

Sorry about the interrpution, if it bothered anyone at all...

Thank you guys for commenting! It was really funny to read those... Kana and I laughed... a lot. You think you can lure me with manga and a copy of BBI, do you? You have no idea how right you are.

And I like how both Kana and JL said the same thing, "It's not my fault that now you're completely addicted to Hagaren..." Okay, I exgerated, but oh well... And, just to clear things up, I am very happy about my obsesion!^^ I love it!^^ I just wish that I could see more than 9 or so episodes... ugh...

I don't really have that much to talk about... sorry... But I'm in a strange mood...

~Start of english version rant~

I'm not sure about you people, but I really, really hate don't like english versions... ::shudder:: They. are. evil. They mess up your mind. They change so many things that really don't need to be changed. It would be fine, if when they translated the series, they didn't try and "Americanize" it. That's the thing that bothers me the most. (that and the voices...) I'm not sure which english version to use as an example... how about YuuHaku? ('cause that's what I'd always complained about before, and thankfully I haven't seen that much of the Hagaren dub.

So, the first thing is the voices. For some reason, to me it always seems like whoever the voice people are, they are over-acting their part. If the character is supposed to sound serious, they take it to the extreme, having them talk in a way that no one ever does. I don't know if you guys are following this...v_v... And they usually differ so much from the Japanese version. ( I know that it's impossible to match voices, and there are some kinds of voices that I really think can only be done in Japanese. ) Basically, they sound really messed up strange... sometimes downright creepy...If the voices of the chara sounded just like normal people, then it's be a lot better. But it seems as though they are trying (by this I mean making a conscious seffort) to make the english voices sound like exaggerations of the chara. A bad voice in the English version can actually make a person dislike a chara. A lot of the times girls (especially) sound really, really annoying... and guys sound donwright scary...

Then there's the editing. Which doesn't usually happen too much if it's broadcast on adult swim or something... what I don't understand, is why they try to kids shows out of things that really aren't... ($$$)- that's why...

And, above all, actually, this probably ranks even with voices...: When they change what's supposed to be happening and try and make the chara speak either really messed up strange english, or American slang. It is completely horrid doesn't work.... They do this one in manga, too. For example, in YuuHaku (this is the messed up english example I'm giving here) in the manga more than the anime, they make Kurama end his sentences with "Hiei" half of the time. When they did that, did they know that they didn't have to have Kurama verify who he was talking to constantly? It sounds really messed up... Also, something that they are very good at doing in english versions...

Butchering the pronunciation of the Japanese names.

I can understand the average person doesn't have extensive of Japanese pronunciation, but if you're a company that specializes in Japanese animation, you would think that you would know how to pronounce a name. It's really not that hard. In Japanese, the vowels make one sound. All they have to do, is try a little. And it would make watching the english a lot more bareable....

Another thing that I don't even think I'll talk about, is when they actually change the names of the chara. That I completely don't understand. And do you ever notice that when they change names on a series, it's never EVERYONE'S NAME! Why?!?!

I also understand that a lot of the time, a person has no choice, the english verison is the only way available to watch the series. So, yeah.

~End of english version rant~

Sorry, JL if I am using too many of these things... thanks for telling me how to do it!

Okay, I think I got that out of my system.... *ahem* Sorry for this long post of nothingness. Ranting made me hangry. (and I didn't spell that wrong, it's a made up word.)

I'll be sure to visit sites today~! Oh, and here's the thing about the buttons...

We are now open to taking requests. If you would like a button, please follow this procedure...

1. Private message me the character's name and the series which they are from, along with any pictures that you would like used in the button.

(2. I will then give the picture to Shizuka, and she'll make the button. Arigatou!!)

3. I will private message the button to you.

4. You put it on your site!^^

This is a sample of how they'll look:

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Thanks all you guys for reading and commenting!^^


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