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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

ok peoples! i love this song and this vid. oh its so my fav^^ please watch

thank you

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Thursday, February 8, 2007

im so excited^^ i get to go tubing today^^ its going to be so much fun^^ SQUEE!! im shaking im so excited^^ ok its so hard to type^^
well thats all i really have to say^^ hope everyone is well^^
take care

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Friday, February 2, 2007

Yay for friday!! im so happy^^ no more school for two days... ^^ well i would enjoy a few more days but oh well ive got summer to look forward too. ^^ yeah this weekend is going to be fun. ive got physics presentations and those will be fun. and then dinner with my bf. hurrah^^ anyway i cant think of anything else to say so bye bye

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Help we need you
hi^ kagekaze here. i would like it if you helped me out a bit. were real close to completing our petition to save the wolves. it would be nice if you could help. i wont be on for a bit cuz i am going north to help the wolves.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released its proposal to strip wolves of crucial Endangered Species Act protections in Idaho and parts of Wyoming. Both states are now preparing massive wolf eradication plans, and hundreds of wolves could be killed.

I was so outraged by this proposal that I sent a message to Dirk Kempthorne, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, who oversees the Fish and Wildlife Service. I hope you’ll take some time to send a message, too.

It's easy. Just go to the website below to take action:


Both Idaho and Wyoming have begun actively planning efforts to kill hundreds of wolves. As many as two-thirds of the wolves in Wyoming could be killed. And as many as 60 of Idaho's 71 wolf packs could be eradicated!

The government once nearly allowed our Northern Rocky Mountain wolves to be shot, harassed and poisoned into extinction. We can’t let that happen again.

Please send Interior Secretary Kempthorne a message about the importance of protecting our wolves right now:


These wolves are in trouble. I hope you'll help...

please understand

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Hey Everybody!!!
Hewo! ok i need a favor from everybody. theres a new guy around and hes really nice and im his only friend. so if you could go and visit his site. its probably real bland but oh well. his name is:
Kaze okami
hes real nice
see ya all around

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Monday, January 8, 2007

the most horrible thing ever!! luckly i dogged that one successfully. damn e-cards of doom! ok if you can tell im so F-ING bored. i have nothing better to do at school...*mumbles profanities* ok im done^^' well i hope everything is well with everyone...

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

hello everybody! im so happy i finally get to update! YAY!!who here hates school i do!!
What way would you want to die??
kinda morbid i know. but im bored and curious

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Monday, December 18, 2006

   hello hello! i hope everyone is good^^ my day is good. destroying and killing things. mainly stupid people at my school. well... i g2g. my us history teach. is bitchin' at me....

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Friday, December 15, 2006

hey everybody. im so bored. school is a waste of time!! grrr....oh well anyone who reads this should go and google tales of phantasia. its so cool. chester, the archer, is so hot and hes got blue hair and blue eyes^^ hes smexy.
luv ya all

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How is everyone??? how was is your week so far? how was your weekend?? well hmmm... i cant think of much to say.... i need an idea for a post. anybody got any?

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