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myOtaku.com: Juusan no Kikyo

Saturday, July 16, 2005

   It was foretold by Gyromancy!
Ah, Dahlia. I can't tell if she was a genius, or if Harry was just stupider than I thought.

Anyway, just popped in to let ya know that I'm not dead. (To say that I feel as such, though, would be a severe understatement.) My vacation didn't last three months, either. I'm gon'na need one, soon.

I've been babysitting. I can't tell if that's the reason for my sudden lapse into insanity, or just the straw that broke the camel's back. It doesn't seem enough to be the former, despite the kids being annoying as Hell.

I've been so tired for the past week, and I don't know why. I've been getting more sleep than usual, I think, and I've been eating three meals a day. I think. My brain seems to be on a late vacation, perhaps, so I apologize if there are spelling errors or unintelligible babbling.

Lord, what is wrong with me? I broke down crying because my Mom snapped at me. I don't cry for much, especially not little things like that. Thankfully, it was only for a few minutes, and she didn't see.

Is it just teenage angst? It can't be PMS, as my period ended a few days ago. Maybe I'm just having some kind of... God, what is it called? Backlash, maybe? Maybe. I was having a pretty bad you-know-what. Haha, is talking about this making you uncomfortable? Then stop reading. I just don't give a crap anymore.

Jeez, I hope it nothing serious. I'm not taking medication. Italicizing 'not' was harder than it should've been. I feel like cussing, but that always makes me feel bad later. And, besides, Dad reads this page, too. Jerk. I'm kinda jumping the gun about this 'Medication' thing. I'm such an idiot. Haha, I'm so pathetic. More pathetic than I act here, even. No one has the right to say it ain't so, 'cuz few actually know me. Few, meaning one. I'll leave that for you to figure out, Dad.

The kids are eating here tonight.

God, give me strength.

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