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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

   [insert originality here]
Waha. I feel so uninspired. That was probably misspelled. Dangit.

Hm. I actually have a lot to report, but I seem to be too dang lazy to actually say anything. That may be because this is actually just an attempt to spite my Dad, without breaking any rules. Haha, I'm so smart.

I may or may not post again before we go on a weeklong vacation next week. A vacation that's been put off for years. ARGH. I'll tell ya all about it when we get back. Unless you're Dad, then you would already know what happend, wouldn't you?

Ah, you remember that comic I told ya'll about last time? Johnny the Homicidal Maniac? Well. I bought it.
I did like it, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're either really stupid, or really smart. Oh, yeah, older than fifteen, and not very prudish. It keeps my violent inner demons under control.
I like Mr. Eff, the homicidal styrofoam doughboy. I don't know why, either. I was sad when the tentacle-y moose-thing ripped his head off. But then, I remind myself that he's just another one of Nny's hallucinations, and it's O.K.
Seriously. Jhonen Vasquez (the author/artist guy) is crazy. In a good way, in my opinion. But my Mom told me that if I bought any more books like that, she'd have me get a mental heath exam. Or, something.
I could go into a melodramatic Johnny-rant about how there are to many people who like this comic for the wrong reasons, but then I would become one of the many things I hate: a hypocrite. (No, wait. Too late!) So, go ahead and like it, you silly goths and teenage angsters. Go ahead and belive that it's more than just poking fun at anything and everything about you. Oh, crap, I think I'm starting to Johnny-rant.

(To be contiued...)

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ah, Hell.
There was a post here, but someting screwed up, so it's gone now. I'M NOT GOING TO REWRITE THAT WHOLE DAMN THING. So this is all you get. Maybe I'll try again later.


Okay, for your wasted time, you can have a quote from a comic I'm suddenly interested in:

"SHUT UP!! Don't make me break my foot off in your ass!!" -- Mr. Eff, a repainted styrofoam doughboy from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Bwaha.
Don't take offence. Please?

EDIT: Whee! Changed my picture. And I still love that quote up there.

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

   Huh? Radio... What's going on with that radio?
(Haha. One of Harry Masons famous quotes for Silent Hill.)

Woo! I've had 500 pageviews as I type this! (31 Guestbook signings, too. I guess a lot of people don't like what they see...) XP I could've had a lot more a lot sooner, but I'm just not that social. Heh.

Hah, I got a new sketchbook today! I haven't drawn anything in it yet, 'cuz we just got home a little bit ago.
I also got some cap erasers. I've worn the erasers off of all seven of my pencils...
And a new haircut today. I don't really like it. Mom picked it out, and she said if I had it for two weeks and didn't like it, I could get it cut the way I wanted too. I can wait two weeks.

Tomorrow, we're goin' to Nashville. We're celebrating my cousin's birthday, along with easter. We don't have a birthday present for him, as far as I know. I wonder what we're gonna do about that?

Alright. I've been rambling on about Silent Hill (SH for short,) for a while now, an' I know at least one of ya doesn't have any idea what I'm goin' on about. So, I felt like clarafyin'.
'Aight, imagine this: Complete darkness; a flashlight that only lights up a few yards in front of you, while making everything behind and beside you darker; a radio screeching, signifying that there is a horrorfying monster nearby; whispers, moans, footsteps from nowhere, clanging metal, sometimes incredibly loud for entire levels; blood splattered on the chainlink fence that mysteriously replaced the ground; gore hanging from the walls. And that, my friends, is just the beginning of Silent Hill. It's definately not for the weak of heart, mind, or stomach. When I got the first one, I thought, "Well, it is a fairly old game. The graphics aren't as good, so it probably won't scare me." I was so wrong. I can see why it's rated M, for Mature. @_@ Blargh.
I can't say I don't like it, though. I don't know what lead me to it, or why I find it so fasinating, but I do. Maybe it's the characters. Cybil Bennet's toughness, Cheryl's adoreableness, Dahlia's... Well, crazyness, Kaufmann, Harry, Lisa. I've fallen in love with all these characters. Bah, I'm rambling again. >>

Well, I'll see ya later! Good night! (Or day, depending where ya live... ^^;)

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

   When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful... a miracle... Oh, it's so beautiful, magical.
(Hee, a song from a Music Video I downloaded last night. I really like it, and it's not as slow and flowery as is seems. Of course, considerin' it's a Silent Hill MV, it's not that surprisin'. I don't remember the song's artist, but the video is called Illogical. Me 'n Jacob call it Alvin's Silent Hill, though. Hee.)

Ho, there! It feels like it's been a while since I posted. I don't really have any idea when the last time was... I meant to come by earlier, but...

Ugh, we've been doin' some kinda acheivement testing lately. I don't really like it that much. But, then again, I suppose very few people actually do, huh?

I seem to be in some sort of Silent Hill phase. It's not exactly pleasent. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the game, but I don't think I'm really cut out for Survival Horror games... At least, not yet. I sleep with the friggin' nightlight on, now. Yeah, I'm a wuss. But I still want to play SH2. Why, God, why?? And it's not for Pyramid Head, either. To be completly honest, I don't really like PH that much... >> I acutally want to play the game for the human characters, and the story. James, Maria, Angela, Laura, Mary, Eddie... YES I LIKE EDDIE, SO SUE ME. << Ya just can't help but pity a guy like that. I wouldn't like to meet a guy like him in real life, but... Ya know. He may be psycho, but, hey, aren't the majority of the anime pretty-boys you fangirls lust after? (You know who you are.) If someone called them fat or stupid, they'd pop a cap in 'em, too. (If the fangirls didn't first, o'course... >>) Hyeh hyeh.

Hmm, I've been doin' a lot of drawin' lately. I've only got one page in my sketchbook left! I need to get a new one. I've been doin' a little SH fanart, too. Most of it's crap, but there's this young Dahlia one that I'm pretty happy about. The proportions are a little off, the tie's stripes are way off, and it looks like she's got her clothes on sideways, but I still like it.

Blah, I need to get to bed. I'll see ya later, 'kay?

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

   Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, Bananna Phone!
(Hah, Jacob really, really hates that song. Thus, I sing/hum it whenever I get the oppertunity. Ha!)

Blah! I have a migrane an' my stomach hurts. Hear me whine!! Blargh.

Okay, so all I came to do is advertise a fanfiction, for the author called me a dude, and, thus, I could not refuse her request. It's called (www.fanfiction.net/s/2257920/1) (I tried linking it normally, but it just wound up linking back to my site! What th' heck??) FireStorm, and it has Ryuuzaki romance! And it's not with Haga!! It's somewhat Mary-sueish, but, come on! I gotta take what I can get, bein' a fangirl of one of the most overlooked characters of YGO! Ya know, I really feel sorry for those Pandora fans. They've got it even worse than we do! (Yes, non-belivers, there are multiple Ryuuzaki fans!! Oh, happy days!)

I'm leaving now. I'm sorry if I scared you with my rambling. ... \/\/00+!1!!one!!! (Couldn't resist! I entirely skipped the n00b phase, gimme a break!)

Well, see ya later!

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Monday, March 14, 2005

   I may be an idiot, but indeed, I am no fool.
(Hee... Lyrics from one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands: High Wire, played by Men at Work.)

I'm in a good mood, an' I dun know why. Perhaps it's because Ryuubaby shows up in tommorrow's episode of YGO. (I'm allowed to give Dinosaur Ryuuzaki a weird pet name, right?! XD) Perhaps it's 'cuz I'm listening to Sawyer Brown; some his music has this cheery, lighthearted thing to it. Or maybe it's because I paid my brother $1 to do my chores for me today. (Hoo-ah!) But, whatever the case, I'm feelin' good. Boo-yah.

Heh. Sherry and Matt took me and my brother out for my birthday the other day. We ate a Chick-Fil-A, they bought me three Resident Evil books, and gave me twenty bucks! Haha! I'm such a filthy rich fourteen-year-old. And I'm feelin' good! Oh, yeah!

We're headin' to Disney World in 63 days! I'm pretty exited. It's been quite a while. I wanted to stay in Wilderness Lodge again, like we did when I was four, but we have to stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge... Thing. I forget it's name... We stayed at Port Oreleans when I was nine or somthin'. There are a lot of things I missed out on, that time. I wanna see everything else! Mom an' Jacob say that Casey's Corner has some really, really good hot dogs. I wanna see how good a hot dog can get. XP

Uhm, I guess that's it. I keep messin' up the typin' and my finger is startin' to hurt... XP Well, see ya!

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Thursday, March 10, 2005

   You got this coffee shop, right? There's all these dogs and cats in it... ... ... And they're all dead.
(Azumanga Daioh manga, volume three; Osaka explains her idea for the Coffee Shop Haunted by the Ghosts of Cuddly Animals idea for the school festival.)

Hello! I've been gone for a while, huh? I meant to pop by on my birthday, express my giddiness about my being 14 years old, blah blah... But I got distracted. A lot. Ask anyone, I'm distracted by the most miniscule thing. But, anyways...

Heehee... I got the most wonderful things for my birthday! First off, I got the Zombie Madness starter deck, so I now have all the best zombie monsters at my disposal! And, second, I got over $100 in cash!! I'm so happy! I had, like, $75 from Christmas left over, so... You do the math. Heh...

And, with some of that money, I bought the Sims 2 and the second YGO: Duelist graphic novel! I've been having a hard time getting to the computer the last few days, until Mom limited the amount of time Jacob can play the Sims 2.

I got an MSN account the other day. I haven't really been doing much with it, besides IMing Jacob every now and then. My Dad has everyone but him and Jacob blocked on the IM, so I guess it wouldn't do much good to tell you my MSN name. (Though, judging from all my other account names, it should'nt be to hard to guess my MSN user name...)

Oh, my gosh, I drew the best picture of Insector Haga-- or maybe the best picture, period-- I've ever drawn. And in his Duelist Kingdom trenchcoat, no less! (I was actually planning on drawing an Inspector Gadget parody picture, but I forgot what Gadget wore in the old cartoons, it's been so long.) I'm so proud!

Well, that's all I can think to type. I'll see ya later!

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Thursday, February 17, 2005

   Oh em gee!
(Haha... It's kind of an OMG thing... I think it's cute.)

Blech... This week has been rather stressful... More schoolwork then before. And Jacob's been goin' to some new homeschool-thing where there aren't so many students, so teachers won't ignore his... slight problem, like they have before. He seems to like it, I was worrying my rear off on his first day. Mom said me and Dad were acting like she was "Sending Jacob to war without a gun." And she was right. XP I'm a worrywart. Dad is too, he just won't admit it.

Eee! I drew some really adorable Ryuuzaki chibi's earlier today! (When I was supposed to be doin' school... >.<) When I learn to use a scanner, they will definatly be goin' up! Even though one kind of looks like a Powerpuff Girl, and another looks like he's doin' The Robot. XD (That dance, ya know?) Hell, thinking that he's doin' the Robot makes 'im look even cuter! XP I also drew a set of Oricalcos!Ryuuzaki, because, even though he's OOC during that saga, he's damn sexy when he's being controlled by the crazy rock of doom. XD One's blowing Jonouchi a rasberry, and another's flippin' Honda off. Nasty little guy, that Chibi Oricalcos!Ryuuzaki. Of doom.

Nya, forgive me if I seem a little crazy, or if I haven't replied to any PrivateMessages. (Sorry, iluvygo!) PMS will do that to me. XP I'm not afraid to tell people if I'm menustrating! XD I know I'm gonna regret this post later tonight.

Well, I'll see ya when I stop bleeding!

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Sunday, February 6, 2005

   This message has be authorized by God.
(Not really. InternetBumperStickers.com, people.)

Hiya. Just thought I'd pop in to tell ya that I'm going to be in Nashville for a day or so. Jake's got an appointment for some doctor there, and Mom doesn't want to deal with rush hour, so we're going to spend the night at my aunt's house. I still think that's kinda weird, but, oh well.

See ya when I get back!

<This message will self destruct in 5 seconds.>

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Wednesday, February 2, 2005

   Guys, be honest; does this dress make me look fat? -- Ryo Bakura
(Okay, no one gets this at all, I'm sure. Earlier this afternoon, I sketched a picture/comic thing in which Ryo Bakura asked Yugi-tachi this question. I think it's funny...)

Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted here, huh? And I don't even have a good reason. The days just pass by so quickly... Oy.

But, really, the only motivation to post today is because I've been itching to make a list/bio-thingy of my family. I don't know why either, so don't ask. 'Sides, now you can know who I rant about, and stuff. They may not be completly accurate; this is just how I see them.

Jacob/Fire Fox/Gamer Sagittarius: My little brother, and the person I'm closest to in my entire family. I can tell him anything, though he usually doesn't give half a dang about it. He can be a real jackass if he wants to. He doesn't care about much other than his video games, and it often shows. He's also kind of spoiled, and refuses to take responsibility for his actions-- accident or not. He is not above temper tantrums, and will hit anything in close range when he's angry.
He doesn't quite understand the need to talk or listen to people if there are emotional problems, but if I'm in a lot of physical pain or I'm sick, he can be a real sweetie.
He's really shy, but loves playing with people he knows.

Mom: The most social one in the household, Mom is the one most likely to go to partys and such, and drag the rest of the family with her. She loves talking with people, though she's always polite.
She's not as tough as she seems, and will crumble if you give her the puppy-dog eyes long enough. (Not that I do that sort of thing... I'm way above that.) When it comes to Dad, she usually knows just what buttons to press to make him do something she wants.
Mom is also something of a compulsive shopper, so her cash flow drys up pretty quickly. She borrows money from me every so often, and I'm starting to think I should charge her interest whenever she does.
When it comes to me and Jacob, she can be pretty paranoid. She always calls home when she's at work, to make sure we're still there.
She keeps me sane most of the time, because she's the only one who really tries to understand me. I still have my secrets, though, and I doubt even I know all of them.

Well, I'm tired of typing now. Maybe I'll finish up this list-thingy later.

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