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myOtaku.com: John

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Way-Late Christmas Post
Hope everyone had a good Christmas, or whatever you crazy kids celebrate. I've got some decent internet access for the first time in however long (at a friend's house), so I'll fill you in on the more notable loot I got.

- Twilight Zone collections 1 and 3, which puts every episode finally in my hands. In terms of nerdiness, I just sped past the point of no return, and I couldn't be happier about it.

- A DVD with three Wallace and Gromit episodes on it. (A Grand Day Out, The Wrong Trousers, and a third that I don't recall.)

- A DVD player for my room. (!!)

- A guitar. (!!!) It's by a company called Stagg, and it's a beginner's guitar, but hey, I'm a beginner, lol. I can't wait to find a site or pick up a book to learn. My only concern is getting used to reading chords and suchforth for left-handed players. i.e., me.

- Loveless by My Bloody Valentine, Showbiz by Muse, Monkey Business by Ill Harmonics, and (though not as a gift, I just ripped it from my eldest sister :P) Let's Face It by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.

- Some nice headphones.

As far as notable giving goes, I gave my brother the Muppet Show season 1 DVD, which I saw at Hastings and knew he had to have, lol. I would've posted about it here, but he sometimes reads this, so I couldn't. I also got my aunt a foot massager. This was specifically to buy my way out of my own personal purgatory, spawning from a bet that was made years ago, and then twisted and perverted into something horrible.

Mimmi: =D

Baron: Why can't you be more like Mimmi? I raised you to be better than this. *discouraged look*

Liam: If you created a creature and then put ice all over its skin, it's not a sentient icicle. That's more like an ice golem, which is a totally different, though equally effective, creature.

Baron: There you go. The only other thing you could need is some duct tape to hold the brain in there. The rest will play itself out.

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