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myOtaku.com: John

Friday, September 24, 2004

To tell you more that you don't care about of the reading habits of some kid you'll never meet, I just finished rereading The Hobbit and I've started on Isaac Asimov's The Gods Themselves (I've also started properly punctuating the titles of books). I'm looking forward to it, because I've never read anything by Mr. Asimov before. Maybe it'll explain why he's got such a cool name.

Also, in Debate I judged a mock round between all of the advanced debaters, which was really cool since I'm only a freshman. After the first speaker screwed his eight-minute speech into a hilariously undeveloped twelve-minute speech, the rest of the round dissolved into a giant cross-examination (basically, we only got about an eighth of the way through). It was all sidesplittingly funny.

The only thing I have left to say is to go over to Sara's page and see her entry for the 23rd (as of today, it's still on her main page). Very, very beautiful.

EDIT: My ranking also just broke into the 200's, and I'm five visits away from 1,000!

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