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myOtaku.com: JD Person

Sunday, November 13, 2005

JD on Random Anime.
on Yugi-oh today, they introduced a new character. Mana, and she is SOOOOOOOO FRIGGIN ADORABLE!! she is just too cute!!! the first thing she ever does is suprise glomp Yugi [he is undeserving, it should be Seto!] i love her! i hope she becomes a main character! i love the crazy engetic, emotional types.

Naruto: Lame! ish. Kaiza was so boring, Inara is so stupid, it was so retarded! i want more Haku! i want to be Haku! he is the new guy i wish i was. i'm buying the Leaf Headband, Kunai Knife, and Shuriken pack.

InuYasha, why won't Kagome die, just kill her, i want her dead, she is pathetic and weak, always useless and a target, but then out of no where, she's the shit for like ten seconds, can't hit a castle with one second, could hit an asprin blindfolded the next. i hate her, she's a flawed character, not flawed like Duo, flawed like holes in her personality, like no one edits her profile, she can be anything, weak, strong, pained, well balanced, klutz, sniper. no consistancy. i hate her so much. i hope Naraku's heart crushes her soul, and that Inu goes off to be with Kikyo forever. [she comes to him, or he goes to her] and Kagome is left broken, Koga can have her, cuz i know he'd kill her after 3 days, [too annoying] he'll see how un-lovable she is.

s-CRY-ed, Awesomeness! i love Cougar and Sherrice! Ryuho and Jigmar's fight. its a real plot turning point.

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