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myOtaku.com: JD Person

Friday, May 25, 2007

it appears many people who watch hereos has pwnd me on the fact that Sylar is not dead, because i guess they saw what i did not, i think do to the fact that i have an unfortunate circumstance that my TVs always have glares, and the fact that i like to put the ole closed captioning on to see the horrible misspellings in them , i figured he was not dead because they did zoom in on that manhole for a long time, so i figured he was alive, but i believe i said it looked like he was dead... wait, scratch that i did state it in absolutes, i'd like to say i probably did that to not ruin it for people who were going to watch it on DVR, thus giving them disinformation, but being as i have no recallection of my reasoning at that point i can't give myself that kinda credit. i'm just psyched for the "heroes idol" as i like to call it, were we get to vote on who the newbies to the show will be. i'm hoping to get some people with interesting powers, well more interesting than teleknetic decapitation would be hard to beat, but i think they can do it. in related news the kid who called Bev a whore in 6th hour still looks like Sylar and in forensics we investigated a murder scene in which the skull of the vivtim had been sawed in half laterally and the brain was missing, i'm pretty sure that gave me good ideas about who may have killed him, even better the victim was Danic, the guy who looks and acts like David Tennant, so it appears the face of evil ate the 10 doctors brain, i wonder if Gabriel can integrate a time lord's brain into his, would that mean he could live forever bar accidents?! these questions need to be answered by a gigantic geek, unfortunatly i know none, so i guess i'll keep asking rhetorical questions.

well i've got 4 days of freedom to look forward to, followed by 4 days of school, then a normal week, then 3 half days and i'm out for summer. today the seniors left, and i went to the second showing of POTC:3 and ran into one of my senior friends, well senior i liked talking to, i really have no friends, but thats an entirely different problem, well not really a problem, i enjoy my freedom, i just in hindsight always go "i wish i had friends." i love my self-condridicting nature, i want fangirls but i don't have friends, i want admiration but i hide away and have no social life, i'm really a complex person in that i seem to want everything, yet nothing. i'm so strange, maybe i'll gain followers or fans based of my wierdness, but i doubt it. i just think of it as that its not my destiny, my lot in life to be admired or fawned over.

i look like shit today, it might be because i mowed my dad's lawn in 90 degree heat, i wasn't hot, probably because my head was leaking a gallon or so of sweat, so my hair looks like crap now, beside the fact that i need it trimmed as well, plus i need to sleep more, and maybe i was just in bad lighting, but i really looked like a girl without a make-up that needs it, thats the only way i can describe it. i may need a make-over but unfortunatly i seem to be bad at that, my woredrobe sucks and i need to cut my hair more and figure out what style i want. and the one problem with my shortening school life is that i'm losing my chance at the hive social scene, so i guess i really never will be popular, man i really don't care about this but i bitch about it enough, another fun contridiction of mine, apathetic and whiny.

i guess saturday i will try to fix my hair up a bit, i doubt that will really help my image all that much, but fuck it, i'm still going to try, i just want to love myself more, thats probably the real reason that i'm so obsessed with my looks is that i want to be pretty for myself, because everyone else in the world either loves me unconditionally or is expendible in their admiration.

i need to tan too, i'm pretty palre and it irks me, though Bev likes it because kisses and pen marks will show up better on my fair skin, i guess that sorta adds to my femininity, that i'm fair skinned.

yeah, i'm pretty deep in denile. but i know that Bev loves me, and looking over her picture and thinking of her calmed me during that damn test i had today, so i can safely say that no matter what, Bev's love can save me.


"avoiding fate is part of fate"

- i say that a lot.

visit my saving grace.

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!

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