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myOtaku.com: JD Person

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

yep once again i have things to bitch about, though if i didn't then it sure would be strange would it not? its pretty much the standard formula for blogs, and especially my blog, to just rant on about things for a page or two, this leaving you guys with things to comment on.

well now i'm worried that my math grade is is going to be below passing, since i've been doing worse at it recently, and i'm pretty sure that this latest string of piss-poor grades has probably driven me below the acceptable level of crappiness, so now i'm worried i might fail the damn marking period, which would be bad because i never flunked a class before, and that would be quite bad. after i get done updating you guys and visiting i'm actually going to study a bit, which is extremly rare for me, i think that if i maybe get my grades up on this upcoming test and work will be wgarunteed a passing grade, right now i have no idea what my grade is, so for all i know i could have a C or B-, i'm just worried, which is quite strange for me, to be worried about passing a class, first time ever actually.

but enough of that, i find it kinda lame to rant about school on here, because you guys don't know any of these people, plus its just boring i think, so i will move on. the "Heroes" season finale was pretty wierd, Sylar died! as did Nathan, and that was very strange, i mean it was kinda subtle before that Isaac's paintings weren't exactly true all the time, being as Simone was supposed to be alive after the bomb, and she obviously wasn't, but to have Nathan and Sylar die like that, well that was sorta over-kill. though i did like Hiro killing Sylar, it was entertaining, though i did prefer his stand-off with him earlier, with Ando pretty much hanging in the balance. i realized that the kid who keeps saying that Bev looks an awful lot like Sylar, which kinda creeps me out because he glares at me a lot, though he is better at math than me, so as Sylar himself once put it "what would i want with YOUR brain?!" today he was licking a push-pop and the tip had come to the point so i called it a "candy shiv" and then made several "candyland oz" jokes.

well the little bet between me and Bev ended last night, almost a week over-due, she had a bit ofg a run-in with a table, and well she didn't want to end it yet. i won't say anymore because those of you who know what me and Bev bet not to do for a month deserve to get this joke on your own.

i'm still pretty edgy about stupid math, but it really pales in comparison in how happy Bev makes me, and i really think that says more about me than anything else could, i really could care less about the rest of my life, as long as i have her i'm happy, so yeah i'm scared about this damned class, but my beloved gets me through it, i can do anything as long as i have her, it'd be nice to be a bit more care-free and less concerned, but in the end i'm not truly freaked about it, i'm not depressed, or afraid, i don't feel dark or helpless as i have in the past, i just feel hyper, jumpy, like a minature dog or something, i just feel like i took some meth, my nerves are reacting a little too much, oh well, being twitchy is a lot better than feeling like you are shrouded in darkness and fear, at least all my destructivly strong emotions are fading away, as far as my obessession with being great, the greatest, now that i know i'm closer to average than i am away from it its a lot better, i'd rather be a big fish in a small pond than being thrown into something too big for me, if i'm destined to mediocrity, like most people are, then i'm fine with that, as long as Bev finds me exceptional i'm fine. i'm still going to put forth effort and try to be better, because a failing grade probably isn't something i should strive for, but hell, if failing some stupid matn class is the worst thing that happens to me then i'm pretty much set as far as personal respect and self-worth goes. i did above average on my ACTs, so i think that even in the worst case this would be a forgivable sin. but beyond that i'm happy, because i have my true love, and in the end, thats all that really matters.


[Sylar holding Ando out a window teleknetically while Hiro stares him down with Kensei's sword]

Sylar: Go ahead, stop time, see if you can do it before i cut your little friend's head off, lets see who can do their little trick first, you or me."

that is why he's hot...
that and the fact he ate Sprague's brain and has radioactive powers.

visit my dumbass.

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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