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myOtaku.com: Jake and Chris

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

   YAY!!! BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!! (Part 2)
Jake: Can I have presents now?!

Chris: No.

Jake: But I ate all my cake!!!

Chris: I’m afraid what they might be.

Tyedye: Come on, Chris. I want to know what the presents are too. And I have a present for Jake, also.

Chris: Fine.

Jake: YAY!

Max: Open mine first!

Jake: Napalm! Awesome!

Max: I thought you’d like it.

Mason: Now mine!

Jake: Wow! I’ve always wanted a Giant Butcher Knife!!!

Chris: If you use any of the napalm or kill ANYTHING whatsoever, I’ll never throw you a birthday party again.

Tyedye: You can open mine next; I think you’ll really like it.

Jake: Where is it?

Tyedye: In the back yard.

Jake: Awesome! A Piñata!!

Tyedye: It’s killing something, and getting sugar for it at the same time.

Jake: Give me a bat!

Max: Here.

Tyedye: Don’t forget your blindfold!

Jake: Do I have to wear that?

Tyedye: Yes.

Jake: Damn.

Tyedye: Ok try to hit.

Jake: Am I hitting anything?

Max: Just air.

Jake: I can hear you laughing.

Chris: The world can hear them laughing.

Jake: Lets see you try it.

Chris: Ok.

Jake: Let me tie the blindfold.

Chris: To tight!

Jake: I know.

Tyedye: Ok, try to hit it!

Max: Hey, he broke it first swing!

Jake: No fair! You’re going easy on him Tye!!

Chris: I’m just better than you.

Mason: Who cares! Lets eat candy!

Max: I’m in!!

Tyedye: Me too!!

Chris: Count me out. I’ve had enough sugar for today.

Jake: More for me!

Tyedye: And me!

Max: There’s enough here to last a year.

Tyedye: Knowing you guys, I’d say it’s going to last at least five minutes.

Max: Yeah, you're probably right.

Tyedye: I always am; I’m the Authoress after all.

Jake: Don’t rub it in; it’s my birthday.

Tyedye: Sorry.

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