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Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Stayed up till midnight watching the first season of The Jamie Kennedy Experiment on DVD. That show is so funny. But I was so tired this morning because I had to wake up early for tennis. And my teeth uber hurt because I had my braces tightened tomorrow. I have to wear mine for eighteen months, ok?, but Brian has had braces for nearly FOUR YEARS and he's not getting them off anytime soon. Wow. That must majorly suck ass. Brian and I are seeing a movie this weekend for his birthday. I got him a gift certificate to Blockbusters. w00t!

Haha, yesterday, my mom answered the phone and goes, "Misao, phone for you, it's Brian!" So I answer, say 'hello' kiinda sexy, and the guy on the other end fakes a weasley voice and goes, "Misao... I love you!" Um... that wasn't Brian. Then he goes, "You know who this is?" I guess Steven, Brian's little brother, and he says no. That's when I realized it was my friend Carlo. Damn, I was like, "Carlo! Don't do that!" But anyway, I'm seeing The Butterfly Effect at his house this Friday night. Should I ask him if Brian can come? This is a totally different group of friends, Carlo, Allie, Nora, Jessica, Kelly, probably Ryan, and Jefferson, and Brian won't know any of them. I'd probably spend most of my time with Brian, and not the other guys, but I dunno. What do you all think?

Oh! And I won third place at the tennis tournament yesterday, and I got some Reebok sweatbands. We're having another tournament tomorrow. But yesterday, Yoyo wasn't there, and she's really good, so I probably won't be in the top three tomorrow if she's there. Meh...

Last Comic Standing is on tonight! I love that show. <3 John Heffron, you sexy beast.

Wow, weird post. Ok, later!

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Sunday, July 18, 2004

w00t, called Brian today, finally. Talked for maybe a few hours. Other than that, I didn't do much of anything today. I wanted to finish my biography for school, but I didn't read any of it today. I thought I was going to see Fahrenheit 9/11 with my sister today, but then she goes, 'Oh, no, I called Rebecca and we're seeing Anchorman.' Ooookay, that's nice of you. And now my parents are seeing it right as I type this. They said I could come, but they made me feel really guilty about 'ruining their romantic evening,' so I am home. I'm watching Arrested Development now. Ryan says he really loves it and hasn't missed an episode yet, but I don't think I like it that much. Blaaahhh... ok, later!

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Saturday, July 17, 2004

Last night was the surprise party for Allie at Brit's house. It was so great! At first, things went a bit slow, then Ryan got out mad-libs, and dirty mad-libs made me come out of my shell a bit. Lol, every other word was penis or testicle or boobs or ...umm... sexually related words. Anyway, Allie, Brit, and Sarah really wanted to see Deghrassi for some reason, so at 8 they turned down all the lights and we all watched Degrassi. That is one lame-ass show. Anyway, after that was truth or dare. My truth was what was my dirtiest fantasy, and I honestly don't have dirty fantasies, so I was all umm... and err..., so they changed it to who do you fantasize about. The incredibly hot Vadeem was right in the room, so I strted out a bit shaky, then Allie shouted 'Tom Cruise!' because she knows I love Tom Cruise, so then I was all, 'Yeah! Tom Cruise!' Whatever. So then I picked Vadeem to truth or dare. He said dare. Oooooooh! I dared him to take off his shirt and let me smear a cupcake all over his chest. He did. That was the greatest moment of my entire summer. And Byron was all, 'No dirty fantasies, huh?' Lol. Some other dares were Byron had to kiss Jackie, Brit had to lick the treadmill, and some others I can't remember just now. There was no room on the couch for Byron once, and he said, "I'll have to sit on someone's lap..." So he sat on mine and gave me a lap-dance. Since it was Byron, I was all, 'Ew! Get off!' If only it was Vadeem <3 Oh yeah, and Brit, Sarah, Allie, and some other girls wanted to give a boy a makeover, so Vadeem volunteered himself. He looked very pretty when they were done with him, actually. Lol! What sucked was that my mom thought I would have a bad time for some reason beyond my understanding, so she had my dad pick me up right at ten. Overall, it was a geat time, and I really had fun! Ok, later!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Hey, can I ask you guys a question? Please leave a comment to this with your answer. Anyway, do you think it's a good idea for someone who's throwing a birthday thing at the movie theatre to tell the guests to not to bring a present, but buy their own tickets and food? Or would that be not acceptable or whatever? I guess I can just not call it a birthday party thing and just invite friends to the movies to celebrate my bday without the party things. Well, tell me what you think! Ok, later!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

   Tennis Camp
Tennis camp sucks. I've been there for two days for a total of five hours, and it is the same basic thing over and over and over. There are a total of eight people there, including me. Four of us are good at tennis and actually do the things we're supposed to. There are then two little kids who don't play because they say they're bad at tennis, which they are, and then two preps who act all preppy and hardly play as well. Yesterday, we had to pick up the balls from all over the tennis courts, and the four of us did it, but the preps and little kids just sat there. And today, the preps just left! And one of the little girls just rode her bicycle around the whole time. Our teacher is this old, senile guy who we can't really understand what he's saying most of the time. At least I'm working out and losing weight... too bad it's in near-Hell temperture. Blaah...

Happy birthday Brian on the 19th and happy birthday Allie on the 23rd! Brian and I are going to 6Flags. He said Wilson is coming too (ew) and they'll most likely talk of guns the whole time. But he said he'll try not to do that. I'll call Allie on the 22nd, and I'm pretty sure I won't be invited to her birthday party because we used to be best friends then we kinds drifted over the years, and the only other person I'll know there is Brit, and she's best friends with some other people I don't really know who are great friends with B and A, so I'll probably be a wall-flower at Allie's party if I go. Plus, Allie said her mom probably won't let her have a party so no harm, no foul. I recently found out that Allie was really depressed a few months back and was cutting her wrists and everything. She has a counselor thingy now, and has gotten better, but she doesn't know that I know, and I know I'm not supposed to know. Aaaahhh... I just won't bring it up -_-

Brian didn't call me yesterday. I wonder if he's dead. just kidding, because he calls me EVERY DAY and wants to talk for hours on end. I mean, I love the guy, but I can't do that with anybody without going nuts. I find myself making excuses to get off, but I feel bad about that. *Cry* Maybe i should tie up the line a lot and blaming my sister on the internet. that could work.

I don't want to end on that note, but I can't think of anything else to type, so ok, later!

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Monday, July 12, 2004

   Five Failures in Bush's 'Fight' Against Terrorism
1. Ignored warnings of 9/11. - In the months before September 2001, the Bush Administration ignored the Hart-Rudman Commission, a bipartisan commission set up in the Clinton administration. The Commission specifically warned of a "weapon of mass destruction in a high-rise building," and the White House stalled hearings that were to be held on May 7. The administration formed its own committee headed by Dick Cheney, but it would not make a report until October.

2. Where's the anthrax guy? - Anthrax sent to several Congressmen. The fine powder could easily be spread over the building after the recipient took his deadly dose. After narrowly averting disaster, and although the real terrorist remains to be found, the Department of Justice (headed by everyone's favorite Johnnie Ashcroft) does manage to slander scientist Steven Hatfill.

3. Osama - Where is he? By diverting resources and attention to Iraq, Bush has made Osama fall off the landscape.

4. Iraqi Materials - There is good news! The United States found 1.7 tons of enriched Uranium in Iraq recently. The catch? It was held in a UN-secured storage building until the war broke out. When the Americans took it over, they gaurded it poorly and the materials were stolen. There are probably already more cases of Americans losing weapons (or possible weapons) in hectic Iraq.

5. Soviet-Era Technology. - Even though we have no bigger threat than terrorism, the Bush Administration continues to push Cold War technologies like Star Wars, even though they cost billions of dollars, often fail to work, and are completely ineffective against terrorism.

Yay Kerry!

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Sunday, July 11, 2004

   Funny Fake Articles
Some stories from theonion.com for your enjoyment:

KANSAS CITY, MO—Cale Parnell, 7, said Monday that he no longer holds Shrek in high regard, ever since the green ogre started appearing in TV ads for Burger King Kids Meals. "Shrek just wants to sell things and make money," Parnell said. "He doesn't care if kids like me are having fun." Parnell added that Shrek is "just like that stupid money-grubber SpongeBob SquarePants."

NEW HAVEN, CT—Mindy Neuberg, 29, ignored an instance of sexual harassment "just to avoid the hassle," the attractive writer reported Tuesday. "This bouncer at Sweeney's pulled me out of the line to 'frisk me for weapons,' and after calling me 'sweet-cheeks,' he spent way too much time checking me for a gun," Neuberg said. "I should have complained, but I would've had to get his name, find the manager, and make my case... It just didn't seem worth it." Neuberg said that her decision to drop the issue was also influenced by the fact that, "after getting publicly felt up by some meathead," she really needed to get to the bar for a gin and tonic.

ITAMARAJU, BRAZIL—Four days after criminal organization Comando Vermelho seized control of the Novo Mundo Resort, activities director Janet Puchesy, 28, continues to make the most of the tense situation, bringing fun and creativity to the storage room where she and her fellow survivors are trapped, the hostage reported Monday.

WASHINGTON, DC—According to a study released Monday by the Hammond Political Research Group, many of the nation's liberals are suffering from a vastly diminished sense of outrage.

Man, I love that site ^_^

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Friday, July 9, 2004

   Brian's House
Went to Brian's house today! wOOt! I read the love poem. It was so sweet! Stuff about my hair and eyes and voice. We also designed our future house. Oh, Brian... *swoon*

Otakon on July 31!!! Can't wait!!!!

I'm going to 6Flags with Brian in about a week. wOOt

Tennis camp next week. Don't know why I signed up for that. I was taking tennis at school and I said I liked it, and I meant comparartively against the crap sports we usually play. Just that, and my mom is all, "Want to take tennis over the summer!?" I said sure at the time, but I really regret it now. And my mom is all, "You might get a tennis scholarship to college!" but that's very unlikely, due to I'm not good and have no desire to get better.

Health class in two weeks and three days.... *groan* OK, later!

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Thursday, July 8, 2004

   New Contacts
Yeah... I got new contact lenses today. I got this eye doctor who thought he was all cool and 'down wid it' (:S) but he was middleaged balding guy. Yeah, it wasn't so bad... except for the test thing where they blow a puff of air in your eye. That hurts! My eyes are still watering from that...

Going over to Brian's house tomorrow! I think I said that already... whatever. I get to meet his brother's girlfriend, whom everyone, including him, hates. Hmmm... I wonder what I should wear.

Yay! I started my own xanga (finally) so could you tell me yours in a comment and we'll subscribe to each other? Thank you ^_^ mine is www.xanga.com/clockworkpurple Don't ask. I think it's a pretty cool name ^_^ OK, later!

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Tuesday, July 6, 2004

   So... What Color Panties Do You Have ON?
My sister and I went for a walk yesterday, and as we walked home, Brittany, who used to be my best friend but now she rarely talks to me, drove by and waved at me. I waved back, not thinking anything of it, really. When I got home, she called me and we reminisked (ah! spelling mistake!) about the good ol' times in sixth grade. She said she wants to go out to the movies or something with me someday. I guess that's ok. It was just kind of weird that she called me. I guess she misses me or something like that. Huh.

Mom said my legs looked thinner! wOOt! All that exercize and little eating have paid off. Sort of.

We're going to Applebee's tonight, for it is my brother's birthday today. I'll order off the kid's menu, if allowed, because I don't want a huge meal. I hope they allow me. We went to the Outback steakhouse before, and they said, "No, 10 and under only," so I couldn't. What if someone wants to eat something besides boring salad, but not a huge portion? Hopefully, they will let me. Yeah...

Now, about the weird title of this post. I was at the animesoup.com chatroom, which I am there a lot, and my friend Danny was there. We had a pretty funny conversation about underwear. It went something like this:
Misao: boxers or briefs?
Danny: briefs!
Misao: what color?
Danny: white!
Misao: white white or dirty grey white?
Danny: clean white briefs
Misao: Aw, isn't that cute ^_^
Danny: hey misao...
Danny: what color panties you do have on!?
Danny: assuming you wear panties
Misao: lol, i do
Then is kinda went on like that, I won't type the rest because I'm sure you guys don't want to hear about my panties. It was very funny. Everyone else in the chatroom was like, ummm... Lol, changing the subject.

Going over Brian's house Friday! His brother's girlfriend is coming over too, and he says everyone hates her, including his brother, and he wants to break up with her but he's too scared. her name is Kendall. Brian talks about Kendall a bit, so I'm finally gona see the infamous Kendall. He wants to ambush her with BB guns, but that would just be mean. I dunno, I'll see how she is, and if she is a big of a bitch as he says, maybe I'll let him do it...

Yay! Two episodes of Last Comic Standing tonight! I love that show so much... The roast thing they have to do tonight looks really funny. I can't wait! Go John Heffron! You sexy beast... Hope you win! Ok, later!

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