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myOtaku.com: Ivy Isis Thorne

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

alack, nobody's commenting...
lol, i cannit belive no one's commented yet. oh, i told Skyler that i like ozzie but he was cokcy about being right so i tried to play it down with the whole "just kidding, doofus" but it didnt work. he's gonna try dowsing for prooof, and i bet it'll come to yes and apprently i'm being defensive on the subject. yelling and screaming and ranting is not being defensive. well, maybe just a bit. but you dont understand! i cannot beleive him, he thinks he's won. hahaha, no he hasnt, i'll never admit it! lol, this is gonna continue forever, but the arrogance in his voice! "hah, i figured" no, no you didnt, you little bitch. let's play the bitch slapping game.

speaking of, i lost a lot of card games to kaitlin so i got pissed and tried to get skyler to play the bitch slapping game with me and he wouldnt do it cause he's "chivalrous" (sexist) and i used every method of manipulation i could think of, in this order:

1) i begged. i pleaded. "please???"

2) then i got mad. i demanded. "you will do this now.

3) i used logic: "this is my only chance to hit you wihtout feeling bad about it later!"

4) i used violence. "i wont let go of your hair untill you play the bitch slapping game with me"

5)then i used reasoning: "but dont you want revenge? for pulling your hair, and calling you gay, and making people hate you, and being angry and jealous all the time? and stealing your granola bars???"

well, none of it worked so i used my last resort: reverse psycology. fine, i dont wanna play the bitch slapping game anyway. still no game. then the bell rang and we had to go so i apologized and hugged him and went to class. it was funny, but i almost pissed him off i think.

ah, speking of being pissed off, i'm addicted to anger. rage gives me an emotiona high because im a mellow person. i explained this to skyler and i also explained how i love being his friend because i can take any thing he says or does and turn it against myself. i can put words in his mouth, twist his thoughts and feelings, add unnecessary connotations to what he says, and he has no idea, and it gets my blood boiling for weeks. he gave me the weirdest look ever, he was shocked. like, he knew i did this, but not to such a degree. lol, it was awesome, and i'm learning to be more honest with him. i'm really glad for it. he's still wrong ABOUT OZZIE THOUGH.


(oh, and yesterday, we made up and i decided to completely dosregard drug useage. if he says he doesnt do it, its true. anyway. i dunno how it happened but we were spooning on my couch yesterday and my mom came home. thank goodness it was in my room , i told her i was cleanng. still guilty for betrayal to skyler though.)

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