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myOtaku.com: Ivy Isis Thorne

Thursday, August 16, 2007

finally, some news, lol
my crush is going to school tomorrow, i'm so jealous. i wanna go to school, too *pouts*
but of course, that means i'll see him a lot less, and that kinda sucks. on the other hand, though, the schedule change will be really good for him, cause he stays up all night on the comp A LOT playing Go and such, and it's nice to think he'll be getting sleep regularly :) i've been telling him to do that for ages! haha.

he's asked me to help him get on schedule, though, so i'm gonna help in any way i can ^.^ cause i know he'd do the same for me. of course that means kicking him off the computer at a certain time, and stuff like that. and he wants me to hold him to three teaching games a week (awesome-ness) but i hope he concentrates on his studies, too. but i know he'll do his best :D but most of all i just hopes he has a good day tomorrow. and maybe i'll even see him during the day for a change :) that'd be nice.

what's more, i'm really flattered that he'd want specifically to spend the last bit of his summer with me. i'm so lucky ^^

talked to Rose a bit today. nothin new there, just a buncha nothing, really.

and latley i seem to have been helping a lot of my friends with their problems and such. it's really nice helping out :) yay!

that's all for now

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