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myOtaku.com: InuyashaLady15

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hilios my friendz ok first off i want my sis to keep the baby but she dont really know i told her if she gets an abortion how ever u spell that then she'll be the only person who know what she do it's not going to be us the one that's going to feel guilty be then again it's a lose situation for her cuz she wants to stay skinny me,her best friend,takkun,my mommy,sister and brother wants her to keep the baby ehh well what she pick is what she gets ah in what comes around goes around some ppl dont really get what i mean by that so im going to xplain....but if u dont want to read this then ignore thanx you ^^ ok. My sister best friend told us that her mom have to how to say it pray to 4 ppl those ppl are the baby she didnt want(she had 4 abortion) and so if she dont those 4 souls will come back and hunt her for her life and so yea. Oh yea no school for the next 2weeks yay!! I just finish taking the algebra test which was easy cuz i just circle the one i think was right yesterday my mom took me and my brother and sis to the store and guess takkun bought Dynasty Warrior 2 when we got home me and him was talking and i was like if u go to heaven hell would freeze over and then he was not oh no i better not be rejected from hell it was funny cuz he wants to die so bad what he doesnt know is that he could he just dont know it when we were little me and takkun feel down the stair a really long stair cuz we were living in a apartment well he kinda broke his nose but it looks ok now and he miss the second one when we were living in a house my daddy which is now in jail that what he gets well he built this table and lets just say that takkun is stupid enough to stand at the edge and the table felt over and he bit his tounge dont u think he wouldve die already? oh well guess the boi just lucky maybe he wasnt meant to die ehh well i try to get on 2morrow to comment on ya's site that post today kk bai.
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