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myOtaku.com: InuyashaGirl8803

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

We have finals starting tomorrow. Here's my schedule for final:

January 12
Driver's Ed
Japanese II

January 13
20 & 21st century history
Algerbra II

January 14
American Literature
Drama IV

I have a lot of studying to do and I know it's going to be quite a hastle and a lot of work, but I know I'll be able to pull it off with good grades.

I learned today that next semester I'm going to have Human Anatomy. I know that's going to be fun, not really.

On to a different topic. Today the school bus crashed into a telephone pole. Yes, I was on it.

What happened was, we were driving at normal speeds and the car in front of us stopped. Now, a school bus can't stop fast, so the bus driver swerved to miss the car. We ran off the road and the front right corner of the bus hit a telephone pole.

I was sitting in the very first seat of the right side of the bus, so being the closest one to the accident, you can imagine how scared I was.

I didn't hit hard enough to cause wiplash or anything, but it did hit hard enough to destroy the bus's mirror, and break the telephone pole in half, causing it to fell onto another person's parked truck.

All in all, it was an interesting day. This morning I forgot my learner's permit, and I haven't forgotten it since I got it about a month ago. I think that was an omen.

Anyway, I'm gonna go. My dad's gonna be home soon and I know he's gonna want to know more about the accident.


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