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myOtaku.com: InuYashaFan4-ever

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Ok here we go!*nervous*Mabye I should wait longer to gather my thoughts for a story!Bye!*runs away*

Q:If Inuyasha was yelling at you for no apparent reason what would you do?

"It's a little confusing pretending to be a completely different person"-???

Ta Ta!*runs Farther away*

P.S. The story is based on Inuyasha(DUH!)and one of my characters will be added to the show!

Title of first story:A new student and a suprise visit!
*Means what a character is thinking*
Inuyasha:*Dammit why the hell is Sesshomaru here*

Stories might include swearing!
(Readers:Just start the Damn story!)
Watch the language....Oh who am I kidding?!!
Shut up and No wait a few hours first!
(R:Damn You!!!)
I won't write the story then!
(R:SORRY!Please write stories!)
Fine!That's right BEG!
And when someone tells me how to add pics there will be one for you at least everyday!

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