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myOtaku.com: InuYashaFan4-ever

Friday, February 2, 2007

   Twin day

Hello friends!

I know I'm late and yesterday's post was boring but here I am.

You know I haven't been commenting on anyone's site...well I have less than five minutes on the comp until mom sees improvement.

Site change! It was going to be all pink red and white, but I tried that. I think those colors are horrifying. Black makes everything better. ^^

Jump rope for heart day
I got to play b-ball and jumprope
I'm the only one in my class who can double-dutch
OOOOooo there's a question!
Where was I um...yeah my mom is working at home for two weeks and she'll be home on the comp all day doing work for her boss's boss.
I fell asleep on the couch after she bought me McDonalds.
I got my hair done for 100 dollars
I needed a new shampoo that wouldn't damage my hair
We were talking about shampoo before this but mom thought I didn't need a different one
Well one thing everyone knows about is that I really hate to be wrong so I'll defend myself until others give up.
I feel like a movie star when my hair is done..too bad I had to cover it with a hat all day.
I had taco bell for dinner (The one that is half and half with KFC) They messed up my mom's order and mine
She had to take it back twice(We live less than 3 minutes away)
We are friends with the manager there (He also works at the Pizza Hut) We're friends because I go to taco bell and pizza hut every single week.
They fixed our order and I got two sodas and an extra taco ^_^

Crazy hat day
I wore a hat like the cat in the hat's hat
Someone had a hat like this


but it was black and white
I had hat hair all day
It was the first time this year I had worn my hair down
I don't like wearing my hair down just because I don't

Oh guess what people.....O__0 I'm 5'9
I thought I was 5'5 I was 4 inches off
Guess I should believe people when they say I grew >>;

I aced my math test! I got an A! Whoo!!! And I got an A in almost every assignment.
We got math progress reports so I did really well.
Half the class flunked
The Math teacher and principle yelled at us
We had to have it signed
My mom was proud of me! ^_^(If i'm lucky she'll give me more time on here)
My grades:
A- homework
A homework
A- homework
B pop quiz
B Chapter review
A Chapter test

This is what happens when I like a subject. It's good to like math ^_^ though everyone else hates it V.V

I did my homework early and studied for a test.
I'm being really good because I want my comp back
Oh yeah...my laptop broke for the third time THIS WEEK
I went to a high school event
Had pizza like I do every week
They ran out of crust for round pizzas so I had a square one
The guy(who works at taco bell and pizza hut) gave me the pizza for free.
It pays off to be friends with the manager ^_^


Would you mind answering 20 because I'm running out of room to write these down.

1) Have you ever double-dutched?

2) Do you know someone who speaks in third person?

3) Are you gullable?

4) Do you ever play with your food?

5) Do you have a split personality?

6) Do you ever just feel like doing nothing all day and just relaxing without work or anything?

7) What would our world be like without pain?

8) What would our world be like without memory?


9) Are you into boys?


10) Are you into girls?

Those are the ones I came up with today. I make up at least 10 a day. Okay ten more...let me get my book.

1) Do you like the site change?

Okay I just made that up...Oh and just so you know...you voted for Kag&Inu so you got it. I voted for Sango and Kohaku...they were fighting for a while s&K were so close to winning.

2)Do you want a peanut butter sandwich?

Inu: You asked that already.

OOps *scratches out q in notebook*

3) Are you a good singer?

4) How often do songs get stuck in your head?

5) Do you have a slinky?

6) Do you know what a slinky is?

7) Ever watched the Cosby show?

8) If your mom ever said one of your teachers were hot what would your reaction be?

Okay one more page of questions and then i'll be 1/4 done.

9) What is the weirdest commercial you've ever seen?

I think that axe commercial they show on adult swim is weird.

10) Are you a good dancer?

okay there are *counts* 21 questions left.

Inu:You amaze me....and not in a good way

Then leave no one's stopping you

Inu: Kagome is.......

Oh well whatever

Today my mom called me: schizophrenic
I thought it ment forgetful but according to her it means: all over the place
According to the dictionary: Psychiatry. Also called dementia praecox. a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.

That might be true. I like the sound of that word! ^_^ schizophrenic schizophrenic schizophrenic try that three times fast.

Age Quotes:

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

It is so comic to hear oneself called old, even at ninety I suppose!

It is easy to believe that life is long and one's gifts are vast -- easy at the beginning, that is. But the limits of life grow more evident; it becomes clear that great work can be done rarely, if at all.

I want to die young at a ripe old age.

Okay this month is the month containing valentines day BUT it is also black history month. Oh my fingers are freezing......

Blushing pics:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I almost deleted my post. That made my stomach sink. *inhales* Today we might watch a movie if we "behave ourselves" I doubt that'll happen
Those stupidarrogantcruelgrr *mumbles under her breath* *clears throat* I owe you two stories again but not now later. Today is twin day(teacher's choice) I have to wear jeans...I hate wearing jeans! They look good on me but they are uncomfortable. Me a girl who goes to the mall always forgets that she needs pants. (I out grew the 6 pairs of black pants I have) Well me wasting time so me gone now. If I made typos I apologize.


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