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Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Go to Inuyashaslove!
That has the best music!!!!!! It is from the second Inuyasha theme song "I am".
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   This is my fav Inuyasha quote
"We are going to win, ain't it obvious!" said by Inuyasha in movie 1.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

this is short
Ok, umm this is a graphic novel summary of vol. 7. Inuyasha fights Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha wins but loses. He is deeply injured, but he manages to drive Sesshoumaru away. He thought Kagome was going to die, so he pushed her back into her time, and plugged up the well. A demon called Ryokan is forced by Naraku to kill Inuyasha, with a shikon shard. Ryokan is about to take Inuyasha's shikon shard, but Shipppo interfered. (Inuyasha took the shikon shard from Kagome.)The graphic novel ends when the wolves have cornered Shippo near the well.
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Monday, November 29, 2004

Well, all you people out there who know a lot about Inuyasha that can write better than me, private message me with the summary, tell me who wrote it and I will tell them you wrote it when I post it up on my site.
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   Will it ever end?
I swore to myself everyday to make an Inuyasha summary for some strange reason. Ok, here is the summary for ep. 136. It begins as the crew are having a usual meal. A local village has engaged Haori to exterminate a demon that has been stealing stuff from the village. Inuyasha and his crew walk into the village the very next day, as Haori is happy to see them. Haori basically drags Inuyasha and his crew into HIS job. They divide into 2 groups, one has Sango and Shippo, and the other has Miroku, Inuyasha, and Kagome. An old cagey woman who wants help with her exterminating job gets Sango and Shippo, but Haori gets the rest of the group. Shippo and the old woman make an invisibility spell to sneak up on their demon with. Sango has to find Miroku, and Shippo wants to harrass Inuyasha. They both have an invivibility spell on them. Miroku can see Sango despite her spell, probably because of his buhdist powers, you know? Inuyasha can also see through the spell, which he proves by sending Shippo flying across the yard. Sango and the old lady hunt, while Shippo puts an invisibility spell on the scrolls. The demon appears and takes the scrolls, but Shippo uses a move to take them back.(I am so sorry I don't know what the name of the move is. I think it is divide and conquer, but I don't know.)Sango arrives in time to kill the big demon with the Hiraikotsu. This is important. The mammoth demon deflates and runs away, but Inuyasha catches him. He is about to kill him, but Haori stops him because he cannot reveal where the stolen stuff is if he is dead! So he leads them there, and explains that he was trying to keep them safe from harm.
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Sunday, November 28, 2004

   ep. 95
It begins in the morning, when everybody is waking up. All is explained to Shippo that Kagome was carried off by a bull demon, and Inuyasha went after it. They want to go after the bull demon too. Scene change to Inuyasha looking for Kagome. He is very frustrated because the bull demons scent has just broke off. Hired demons then attack, and they explain that if they kill Inuyasha Orachidayuu will give them shikon jewel shards. Turns out they already have some, so when Inuyasha kills them they are reborn. Inuyasha is about to attack, when there is a scene change to mountains. Kagome wakes up, and wonders what happened. There is a bunch of villagers trapped in bubbles. This is probaly done by the frog demon hanging around. Kagome recognizes him as Tsukumo no gama, and runs. She sees Izumo, and says she is alright. Izumo explains that the demon ordered him to use his knowledge to make a real shikon jewel to replace the new ones. Kagome teams up with Izumo as she remembers that Tsukumo's weakness is fire. (Remember the frog from volume 3? This is the frog.) Scene change to Miroku and Sango. They keep killing demons. Demons have a fake jewel, but Inuyasha rips them all up in a flash. Orochidai says he will give the real Shikon jewel to whomever kills Inuyasha. Meanwhile Kagome and Izumo are picking purple flowers. Izumo is sad, but Kagome says that Inuyasha will come to save them. Izumo starts a conversation with Kagome about the Shikon jewel. Kagome relizes that she has no wish that she wants to come true. (Except marrieng Inuyasha of course.)Kagome wants to make a fire, and seems cheerful about it for some reason. Inuyasha is getting pissed because he knows it is endless. Shippo explains that he is worried about Kagome. A demon finds them. Scene change to Kagome. Kagome is stomping through the mansion. You find out the fak jewel is made from demon's and human's souls. You find out that Izumo is a half demon. Izumo is Izumo's father's name. Izumo is the good personality while his bad perssonality is now here. His bad personality's name is Gyouh, and he can make a Shikon jewel if he has everyone's souls. She explains that if she has Sango's, Miroku's Inuyasha's, and Kagome's soul he could make a new Shikon jewel. Kagome runs, but Gyouh catches up. Meanwhile Sango and Miroku are managing against Gyouh and Tsukumo. Sango and Miroku are both trapped in bubbles. Kagome gets on Kirara and fires at the crow demon causing an explosion of purple light. Scene change to Inuyasha. Orochidai begins to fight Inuyasha. Scene change to Kagome. An ape demon attacks Kagome, but Inuyasha saves her. Kagome shoots Orochidai, and he moans in pain. Ha ha, you Beepstard. Orochidai dies, and the demons start to rebel against Gyouh, but Gyouh puts them in their place. Everybody except Gyouh attcks Inuyasha, but a wound of wind kills them all except Gyouh. Kagome is pushed back by Gyouh. Turns out that there are still some demons, which Inuyasha kills. Kagome is trying to free everyone else, but Inuyasha is fighting Gyouh. Inuyasha is losing, but the sun comes up and he turns to smoke.(For some reason.) But Izumo the better person is here. Izumo dies because the power of the fake Shikon jewel is too strong for humans. The ep. ends as 2 birds are flying toward the sun.
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If you have a question leave it here. Ill get an answer as soon as possible. Actually im Telk27 so rather my little bro or me will try to get an answer
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   this is not a good summary of ep. 143
It begins as Naraku's offfspring are chopping of heads. Inuyasha and his group come upon a otter youkai diguised as a girl. She is trying to bring back her dead father. They want to find his body, and they find it with Sesshou-maru. Shippo and Kagome beg and plead for Sesshou-maru to use his tenseiga, but he refuses.(Go Sesshou-maru). As Sesshou-maru is walking away, tenseiga tells him to bring the man back to life, so he does. There is a mysterious location that seems like the place of the last shard, and it seems as if Inuyasha has been here before.
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Saturday, November 27, 2004

   ep. 86
It begins as an oni is holding a girl hostage Inuyasha cannot attack. Inuyasha figures out that the demon he is fighting is basically a decoy to keeep him busy. The demon that has sealed Miroku just sealed Sango and Kirara. But the excorcist uses salt to free everybody, but the oni goes after Kagome. Inuyasha saves Kagome. Miroku and the rest get to the spot the demonhead is. Miroku asks the demonhead why he did not come out in the past. The demonhead says that since Naraku is not in the area anymore the demonhead had nothing to fear. The ep. ends when the crew leaves the village.
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   ep. 126
Right now, Sango and Miroku are fighting for their lives in the courtyard. Inuyasha is informed by Shippo what is happening in the castle. Kagome is kidnapped, and she is not in the castle. Kagura has taken Kagome to Naraku's latest hideout. Maraku is trying to convince Kagome she hates Inuyasha and Kikyo, but fails. Just then, Inuyasha breaks throgh the hideout wall to save Kagome. Inuyasha basically destroys the hideout, but everyone escapes and is safe. The ep. ends with everyone happy.
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