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myOtaku.com: inusamurai

Thursday, April 28, 2005

   I went to animal kingdom.
Oh how I love him.. Ok, this was actually a feild trip with some people, not many from school. Well nasholin, wolfsrainfreak8, and I went to animal kingodm, a 4 hour drive to get the and 4 back. I wanted to go to sleep a couple times but i didnt go to sleep, besisdes adrian a.k.a. wolfsRF8, might hit me in the face to wake up. Natalia wasnt as hyper, but sometimes she would be. anyways we saw chronicles of riddick, dare devil, and adrians movie..lybrath...something like that, cant remember. anyways, whenwe got there i was so hyped up. our group went almost everywhere instead the safari, it sux, i wanted to go. we also went to the cooler behind the scenes VIP. yea. Then while the ride home i was getting candie and the machine ate my dollar, so a little girl gave helped me and put a dollar in, then she got me my other twizzler pack, so i tried to give her a dollar for wasting her dollar on me. i gave it to her then her little friend from another group like took the dollar and said "ill take it then" and then i took it away from her anyways. the i just gave the little girl the dollar and ran cuz i had to catch the bus. So then i watching a movie, taking pictures, lets see um...eating candie. When we got to school my mom wasnt there so i went to adrians house to wait there till me mom came, then my mother finally came to adrians place and picked me up, i was soooo friggn tired, i was like crying sleeping tears. And im still sleepy and my muscles hurt like hell, well see you guys later.

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