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myOtaku.com: ink.black.sky

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Buh-buh-buh BEEEEEAAAAACH!!!!
We just got to the beach, and it's raining. So, we're inside. But that's ok, I got to spend about an hour in the water so that's cool. I was boogie-boarding and have thus far been beaten-to-a-pulp 3 times! I've only bled, from being beaten against the sharp shells, once though. I'm going to miss not having my tablet *cries* Oh well. That's not the point, but OK. Once I get back I'll post the random little comic I drew on the way down here. Let's just say it has to do with one annoyed ink.black.sky, a chibified Jonathan, and beign random in the car. I was attempting to save several of my new volumes of manga for when I got reaaaaly bored. But they lasted me. So that's good.

I just wanted to say, that toxictherapy-sempai, I miss you. Hopefully you'll get on sometime this week so I'll be able to talk to ya. And hopefully by the time I get back; I won't be too badly bruised that I'm incapacitated. Haha. You can tell I'm bored, right?! Ha, this is great I'm so bored, and I'm cold. Even though it's summer, and I'm at the beach. That's so sad. I'm pathetic. I think I'm going to go draw or something. I don't know. I guess I'll get back to ya'll later. Rock On and God Bless!!!!!!!

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