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myOtaku.com: inda2

Friday, January 19, 2007


Yesterday I was trying to go to sleep early. Like around 10:20. I'd usually go around 11:00. OMG guess what! Just now the phone rang! I know you guys are probaly saying why would someone call at 6:10 am! But good news! It was the school! We have school out because THERE IS NO HOT WATER! THERE IS NO HEAT! AND SOMETHING ELSE ANYWAYS! SCHOOL'S OUT! YES! THANK THE LORD AMIGHTY! heh heh sorry about all that! ^-^ I'm just so happy! and the funny thing is my brother has to go to school! Whew! Inda2 so happy!


Hey i'm probaly going to put two versions of my story up! 1 is old version an the other is the new.

This one is my old one. Chapter 1: Hoshi Page 1

One day in Tokyo, Japan there was a girl name Meme Hashina. It was a warm and sunny morning. Meme was soundly asleep in her bed when ................................ CRASH! “What the hell?” Meme abruptly woke up from her sleep. “Oh, my, God!”said Meme as she gazed at the hole in hole wall mouth a gaped.
“What’s...... going .........on!?”asked Meme’s mom trying to catch her breath.*Her bedroom is down stairs so she had to run all the way up stairs.*
“That dumb ass crashed though my wall!”
“Now, now watch your language. We have company. So what’s your name mister?”
“Uh............. mom I think he’s dead,” said Meme poking at his head.
“Uh. Huh? Where am I? Whoa! I slept with a 15 year old again? And her mom?”said Hoshi as he got up from under the debraie left over from Meme’s window.
“What!” Slap! “You just got up from crashing through my wall and that’s all you got to say?” Slap! ( Hey. He’s kinda hot.)
“Hey what was that for?”
“Idiot! ”
“What did you say?”
“I called you a idiot. Idiot! ”
“Ooooo if you wasn’t a girl I’d kick your ass right know! Wait. I don’t even know if you’re a girl or boy. Well I guess I’ll just have to check.”
“Ha! Caught it this time.”*She tried to slap him again if you didn’t follow.*
“ Let............ go..of..........me!”said Meme trying to get loose from his tight hold.
“Now let’s see......................” CRASH! *I know what ya thinking actually he was checking for an adams apple.*
“Your going to pay pretty boy!”
“Who the hell is he?”asked Meme.
“How much? I only got a twenty on me.”
“You wise ass, you know what I’m talking about! Last night you hit on my girlfriend!”
“Sorry I can’t control who I hit on besides she look lonely and I thought see was single.” said Hoshi.
“ She was wearing a ring, we just got engaged you dumb ass! You was standing right there when I propose to her!”
“Oops! My bad!”said Hoshi with a grin on his face.
“Man, your really sick!” said Meme.
“Thank you!” smiled Hoshi.
“DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAgggggggggghhhhhhh!”
“Bring it old man,”said Hoshi charging towards the man with his hands glowing with green rays.
Boom! Boom! Boom! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”said the man as he flew out the window.
“Aha ha that toke care of him.”
“What is wrong with you?” asked Meme.
“ Nothing except. I don’t know why but I didn’t ask your name? Since I already done it with you I at least need to know your name.”
Slap! “Dumbass! What makes you think you could even get a date with me!”
“ Cause. What girl wouldn’t want to go out with me?”
“For starters ................me!”
“Well you haven’t had one of my magical kisses,”said Hoshi as he landed a big wet smooch upon her face.
“Know how was that?” said Hoshi confidently.
Slap! “ Hey! What was that for?”(man that girl really like slapping me. Hey, maybe that’s her way of saying I love you!)
“ What the hell is wrong with you? Kissing someone you just meat!”
“What you didn’t like it?”
“Eh. I had better,” (Actually I lied. He is the only guy who actually kissed me. Unless you cont the time when I kissed Kyo Hajaima in the 3rd grade. I got my braces caught in his. It was very embarrassing.)
“What! You know my kiss was the best kiss you ever had in your entire life”
“Hey what’s your name again?”
“Hoshi Atagawa nice to meet you. Hey! Your getting off topic!”
“Hoshi you say? It’s very nice to meet you! I have some tea,” said Meme’s mom.
“Why thank you!” said Hoshi.
“No problem. Honey don’t be rude and introduce yourself.”
“Yes ma’am. Hi I’m Meme Hashina,” said Meme in angry tone.
“Wow this tea is delicious!” said Hoshi.
“I’m glad you like it would you like some pancakes?”
“Yes! I would love some pancakes. Especially some from such a beautiful women,”said Hoshi with a smile on his face.
“Ok!”said Ms. Hashina trying to hide her blushing face. * If you guys are wondering what Meme is doing about all this............... well she is standing there with her mouth agape wondering why did her mother believed a single word that perverted dumbass said.* Meme (why is my mom blushing , and why didn’t she ask if I wanted any pancakes?)
“So why are you really here?” asked Meme braking the silence. * Five minutes past since her mother went down stairs to make breakfast.*
“Lady Kiata sent me here to get you.”
“What? Who is Lady Kiata?” asked Meme.
“ Its my master. You see the rays come out of my hands when I was fighting that old man?”
“Well she helps me with that. I don’t have much time to explain, but how about you come on a date with me tonight. Say 5ish?”
“I’d love to go!.......I mean sure.”
“Ok. See ya then,” said Hoshi as he jumped out the hole in her wall.
“Ok by..........hey! Don’t think you can just get away with this hole in my wall! Even if you are cute!”yelled Meme. (Oh shit! Did I say that out loud!?! I hope he didn’t hear) thought Meme as she looked out the hole in her wall. She saw him starring back at her with a smile on his face. Quickly she hid under the remains of her wall.
“ I hope he didn’t see me!” whispered Meme. * If you guys didn’t catch she was talking to herself*
“Here’s your panca.......... Hey! Where did Hoshi go?” asked Ms. Hashina.
“He had to leave.”responded Meme.
“Oh. I hope we see him again. He was such a charming young man.”
“Yeah charming,”said Meme sarcastically .
“And young too! I bet he’s a freshman. Oh yeah that reminds me. If you don’t hurry your going to be late for school.”
“Oh shit! That’s right it’s Monday!”
“Oh no the bus is leaving! Wait! Wait! Wait you for got me!”shouted Meme as she was hopping after the bus on one shoe. * She didn’t have time to put her shoes on.* “Finally!”said Meme trying to catch her breath.
“Next time don’t be late!” said the bus driver angrily.
“ Yes sir,” said Meme acting like a military troop obeying her Sargent.
“Just go sit down!”
“Kon’nichiwa Meme! You just made it on time.”
“Hey Kurmi. Guess what happened to me this morning.”
“You got up?”
“So your still in bed!”
“Yeah I’m still in bed. I mean after I got out of bed.”
“You took a shower?”
“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You didn’t take a shower!?! That’s gross dude.”
“Idiot!” said Meme under her breath.
“Excuse me.” said Kurmi.
“ Nothing just forget.”said Meme getting off the bus.
“I’m sorry. I was just kidding.”said Kurmi running after Meme.
“Ok. Guess.”
“It’s something............about a guy right?”asked Kurmi.
“Hey! How do you know?”
“Just a guess.”( That’s all you ever talk about.)
“ Yes! It is a guy! His name is Hoshi,”said Meme as she slammed her locker shut. “He broke through my window. I didn’t like that part. Anyways. After that this man came flying in here with a knife in his hands!”
“ O violence. I like this story,”said Kurmi getting interested.
“ He charged at Hoshi and then Hoshi got these weird rays coming out of his hands. He blasted the guy right out of the house. Then after that he asked me out!”said Meme happily.
“ Aw don’t you feel special!”
“ Yes. Yes I do.”
“Well sorry to be a kill joy. But if we don’t hurry up were going to be late for class,”
“Well we better hurry then,”said Meme running to class.
Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong.”Oh no that was the last bell!”said Meme frantically.
“Let’s try to sneak in and maybe Takawa won’t notice were late.” whispered Kurmi.

I will post the new one when i get done typing it ^_^!

HERE IS THE SAME ONE BUT A LITTLE ON DESCRIPTION! If it sounds crappy it's just a rough draft so that's why! This is page 1


Hi! I’m India Cheffins and I’m taking a shot at my first story. This story is going to be about a girl named Meme Hashina. Meme will be facing many dangerous and exciting events. She will make new friends and not to mention some new enemies along the way. She will also find her true love. Though at times she might not agree with him. I would call this story funny , actioney , and a little bit of craziness too! Who am I kidding! LOL! A LOT of craziness! But don’t take my word for! I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 1: Hoshi!

One bright and sunny morning in Tokyo, Japan there was a girl named Meme Hashina. She lives in a small two story house with her mom. Her room is upstairs Her room is fairly big with a desk where she does homework (if she ever feels like it.) She has a queen sized bed, the head facing the wall where her window is. She has a lazy boy chair where she sometimes fall asleep in. (She loves to read magazines about the latest styles and hunkiest guys!)

She has drawers that is placed on the left side of her bed. On the right, up against the wall, is a medium sized tv, where she watches mindless soap operas! (I do that too lol.) On her white plane walls are colorful posters that paint her room . On her these posters are pictures of the hottest bands and singers in Japan! On her closet door is pictures of her and her best friends! Inside her closet are some of the most popular clothes in Japan! There are also some of the lamest clothes in existence (they covered up in Cobb webs because she never wears them, they are from her grandparents and relatives that lives far away) in her closet. Where drawers are, on top of it is a alarm clock. Which happens to be broken. (She woke up hitting it so many time it stop working.) Meme is sleeping soundly in her bed when suddenly....................... CRASH! !!!!!!!

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