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myOtaku.com: ima loser baby

Friday, November 9, 2007

so i decided to do something... spontaneous tonight. i kidnapped amanda! ^_^ lol well we had alot of fun, we went and saw two old friends are ours, and went to books a million. i got two manga, i got loveless 7 ^_^ and a new one that i haven't read called After School Nightmare. i haven't read them yet but i probably will tonight or in the morning.

but like i'm a good girl. i do everything i am supposed to and i don't normally go out and party and stuff, i usually tell my mom like 2 weeks ahead of time b4 i go anywhere, and yet they make me feel like i am the worst daughter ever. i decided to wanted to forget everytihng, forget consequences, and just go out and have fun. we did have alot of fun, and didn't get shot!

amanda made a comment on the way home that like we've all became closer (me, her, token and maybe stormy) and i think its because its our senior year, in our hearts we know everything is about to change in our lives and we just been hanging on to our last moments. its all sad growing up. getting jobs then quitting, knowing you will probably never see some of your friends from there ever again, and how like some friends at school will just drop off the face of the earth, b/c you won't talk to them again after school. i hate growing up, i just want to remain a kid *sniff*

to john: i'll give amanda fables to give to you when she sees you again.

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