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Friday, September 2, 2005

   Two dreams

First one- I don't member how it began. but..ok..I'm totally lost now umm well there was this small doll thing and it thought I was his my mum. It was like

That big. Seriously,it was agirl too. It was trying to kill me. So I threw it into a oven, but the top was broken so I couldn't light her on fire or else the whole house would explode. So I took the top of a dryer and covered the whole in the oven. Right when I did that a hude explosion can from my bathroom so I got my brothers, baby cuz, and my mum out of the house. When I went back to the oven it was more like a dryer now. So I yelled into the dryer/oven "If you stop now I'll still love you umm..Pricilla, um..Chukieada...umm...."

So then she yelled back "My name's not PRICIALLA!!!!!! Then I woke up!

So it was this girl,roy fom FMA, Hawke Eye, from FMA, and I. There was a differnt world inside a chalck board o_O. Well the weird girl wasdrawing on the board and this thing was coming out of it and we were magically to!

Well she told Roy to push on it and it sucked him in so then Roy, Riza(Hawke Eye), and I we in a car in there. My name was Earthsong in there cuz I heard Earthsong....were is my father?So I was like SHIT Roy did you hear that?! He nodded and so did Riza. Well the car ride ended and Riza and Roy left. I had a bag and there was eggs in there like

that big.Well My brother was there and was helping me pur them on a coushin. Well we dropped some so we moved them and the weird girl was back and was laughing at us and saying the king was on his way. It was weird cuz by the eggs there was an undo botton. So I did that and it went back to normal o_O Well thats it byez!

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Went to movies, saw Red Eye. It kicked azz! \m/(>_<)\m/ The guy , Jack Ripner, had REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY blue eyes like....this blue! Anyways it was sooo kewl, Juila and Katy, that's who I went with, were covering their eyes in some parts xD but not me! w00t! I played DDR also wellllll byz!
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I didn't get to update yesterday because my electricty got cut because they didn't are payment in time. Yesterday was kinda hectix we had to borrow electricty from my aunt's housewith a cord.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005


You scored as Rocker, Mosher. Your A Rocker!

Rocker, Mosher










Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev




What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy E.c.t
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Punk. Okay!







Emo Kid














What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Minority - Green Day. You are "Minority" by Green Day. You are your own person, and enjoy standing out in a crowd. You stand for what you believe in, and tend to be a stubborn but compassionate person.

Minority - Green Day


Feeling This - Blink 182


Helena - My Chemical Romance


The Middle - Jimmy Eat World


Cute without the 'E' - Taking Back Sunday


Buried a Lie - Senses Fail


Work - Jimmy Eat World


Save Me - Unwritten Law


Too Far Gone - All American Rejects


You're So Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday


You know what they do to guys like us in prison - My Chemical Romance


Home - Three Days Grace


Burnout - Green Day


What emo/rock song are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

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Friday, August 26, 2005

   Fixed, and I Final Good Bye!
Karena you know how I told you my computer would take a long time to type anything in when I typed something into my yahoo thing, but everything else was fine? Will it works noooow! YaY! Alrighty then well no one was on to say Good Bye so BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!
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Thursday, August 25, 2005

   2 For 1
Yup you guys are getting news and a dream lucky bastard...xD sowwy bout that xD

My baby brother's graduation is Friday, graduation from preschool he's 5, so my mom, step-dad, brother, baby brother, and I are all going to visit my great grandma in Washakie, Wisconsin (Did I spell Washakie right? o_O oh well). It's a small town in Wisconsin it's past Green Bay. So were leaving Friday after the graduation and coming back Sunday. You know what that means? No Inuyasha!!! I'm going to die out there. I'm going to have an Inuyasha withdrawal. I'll just have to make due with my Inuyasha DVD's -.-;;.

Once again I don't remember how it starts but the first thing I remember is sitting in my schools auditorium with Anthony on my right and Juila on my left and Karena I think next to Juila. Next thing I know I’m wearing a cheerleading outfit with a very short skirt and I’m freaking and like AHH why am I wearing this!? Anthony on the other hand is being a pervert and feeling up my leg and I’m like screaming but no one cares o_O. (It was like the time during the King&I when I had to switch seats with Juila because he wouldn’t stop.) Well eventually Ms. Pepin (my music teacher) called Juila and I up and Juila was wearing the outfit to but she wasn’t freaking out (like she would ToT;;). We got on stage and were doing these cheers but Juila kept swinging me around and I was like <_< I can’t see! >_>! When that was over we got to go back to are seat but when we got back for some reason I went around and some big guy was sitting behind my seat. He said sorry I’ll just get up but I said no it’s ok I’ll just sit back here and sat to the left and behind him but he was looking at my legs so I screamed and sat next to Anthony.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I had a weird dream today again ^_^. Once again I don't remember how it starts but the first thing I remember is my step-dad, mom, brother, and I all dressed up in brady bunch outfits and were going to go do a concert.Well were in a car and were driving and we stop by a movie theater and my step-dad says that when he was younger he used to have a problem or something and would go to the movies everyday and when ever he could. So my step-dad, brother, and I are talking about are movie problems and when we ask my mom she says that she didn't have one and so my step-dad says "Wow your better then all of us".

When we get to the concert it's really weird cuz the concert is right by my living room and my family and I are all sitting at the table and my mum is throwing away some meat and for some reason I take some and was about to eat but my dad said no-no so I spit it out and threw the meat away o_O. While that was happening the real two brady parents were up on stage but they weren't singing and they kept calling the dad papa brady. When they got off my mum was tuning her voice or something cuz she kept singing "All we need is love love love". They thought that my step-dad and my mum were the real brady brunch but there two other singer couldn't sing so they wanted my brother and I to go and I'm like no way I can't sing, I can only sing ok not like the brady brunch. Then I woke up!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I already have the schedule for the new music videos done, it won't have dates cuz I dont know if I'm going to be changing them daily anymore.
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I had a not THAT weird dream but it was confusing. I don't remember the begining but I do remember walking in this lab and there was alot of other people there to. I was walking beside a woman in a nurses outfit kinda thing (I was older o_O ) and a guy with differnt colored sweat bands on his wrists and around his head. We came back from battling something I guess and something had killed it before we did or something so wecame back. He left to do some training so the nurse left and I was walking towards were the training center was because it was just ahead and I had to turn left to go anywere else. The training center was just to double doors with windows on them and then just a big empty metal space. When I was walking towards there I saw two arm bands that were blue and somehow that meant that he was the one that killed the monster. So I went to the double doors and the human torch (you know from the fantastic 4) was walking by so I signaled for him to stay by the double doors. The guy inside started streaching and then his arms because like electric and he was talking to himself about the new powers he had. So then the human torch ran inside and stole the suit that was sitting by him, he had super speed instead of fire o_O so I'm going to go ahead and call him T for torch k? good.

Well when T got the suit he ran to this group that was the invisible woman, Mr. Fantastic, and then this big bear thing that had like shag fur o_O. Well T threw the suit thing , it was more like the uniform that the Fantastic 4 wear, onto a silver plate. When it landed green light surrounded it and the plat fell into the floor. This whole time the guy that we stole it from was screaming that it was his. Mr. Fantastic then said "Not anymore, your off the team" , I guess it was more like the justic league xD. I sat down on the weird bear thing and when I looked up, cuz the bear thing was on the floor, I saw T and he was dressed in the same clothes that he had in the snow boarding sceen and next to him was the nurse from that sceen wearing the same thing she had during that sceen and he was holding her. I got up and was about to say something but he said Lets go snowboarding and the floor fell down and we were in this tube thing that had snow on the bottom. There was thing huge lady, like her head was above the tube huge not like fat, and she was like hmm..the fantastic 4 hmmm? (the was like 6 of us there though for some reason )and she started to go faster but it was weird cuz we were going right and she was going left so she should have passed us but when she was going faster she started counting the tiems she passed us and it was like to 6 when T came and screamed no one beats the fantasic 4! and she got mad and screamed out his name.

When that was over the tube stopped and T jumped down without his snowboard and landed on top on the nurse, she had silver earings, and he said It's Friday did you miss me? There was a narrator saying he was a player or something like that. Then I landed by them and saw and I got mad so with my snow board I put some snow on them. When that ended we were in a clearing and we all had dogs on a sled but mine was like this big black ball and everyone was like mine's a -insert dog breed here-. I got mad again because T had a different girl with him so I "accidentaly" threw fire his way ( I had fire power o_O). So then he took is and threw it by my dog and it was like desolving, member it was a big black ball, so I got mad and made a big fire in my hand and I was like you killed my- and then my brother was there for some reason and he said..Volleyball? Cuz in the middle there was a volley ball and I was like what? oooh..You guys fell for it! It didn't even have legs come on guys! Unless I do this and I moved the ball around cuz it was ok again for some reason and it turned into a armidilo, spelling.... So then I said I'll be back! I walked into the forest and it was really dark so I made a small fire in my hand because the forest was to dense to make a big one.

I kept walking and somehow I walked into someone's kitchen and sitting under this wooden table were two dobermens. I was like umm oops..and walked back and I guess the kitchen didn't have a wall cuz I just walked back into the foest but the dogs followed me. So I was like don't you dare and made this hug fire that scared them away. Then I saw this sled so I ran for it but right when I grabbed it another hand grabed it, I still had fire in my other one, and I saw T. It was like that for a while and I swear I thought we were going to do a showlin showdown xD but I woke up.

Dang..this was long..

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