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myOtaku.com: i stalk bishounen

Sunday, June 6, 2004

   This survey thingy
Name:Andy Barton-Marquise-Jaganshi
Birthplace:...hospital...i think...
Current location:I'm taking this layer thing right? I'm in front of th computer!! geez.
Eyes:dark blue
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign:scorpio
Your heritage:Japanese/Brazilian/Syrian/Italian
Your weakness:why do YOU wanna kno? *suspisious*
Your shoes you wore today:I wore shoes?! oO
Your fears:-_- like I'd tell you...
Your perfect pizza:medium cheese
Goal you'd like to achieve:get an A in math...*prays* just once.
Your thoughts first waking up:"Damn it!! GO AWAY MOM!!!"
Your best physical feature:...um...*srhugs*
Your bedtime:when there's nothing on TV
Your most missed memory:I forgot
Pepsi or Coke:it's bad for me....<.< >.> Pepsi.
McDonald's or Burger King:Burger King
Single or group dates:neither
Adidas or Nike:*shrugs*
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:*shrugs*
Chocolate or vanilla:chocolate ^^ CHOCO!!!
Cappuccino or coffee:eeewwwwwwww
Cuss:in public and in private
Sing:I can if it's to save my life or something
Take showers daily:duh
Have a crush:HIEI!!!!
Think you've been in love:with HIEI!!!!
Want to go college:I guess
Want to get married:someday
Believe in yourself:more than I believe in you
Get motion sickness:no
Think you're attractive:only stuck up people think that
Think you're a health freak:no
Get along with your parents:sometimes
Like thunderstorms:yes
Play an instrument:yup!! BARITONE!!!!
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall:yes. that is where the manga and anime reside
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:not once
Eaten sushi:i think...
Been on stage:to perform a concert with the school band
Gone skating:and fell hard
Made homemade cookies:they burned
Gone skinny dipping:no never will didn't even think about it
Dyed your hair:no, I will someday
Stolen anything:my sister's pencil
Label.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:nope
Been called a tease:not that I remember
Got beaten up:no, I'm not weak.
Age you hoped to be married:someday. not now. unless it's Hiei.
Number and name of children:none. children scare me.
Dream wedding:don't kno
How do you want to die:with Hiei next to me!!
Where do you want to attend college:Tokyo U
Dream job:Manga author
Country you want to visit:Japan
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color:Red
Best hair color:Black with blue highlights that can turn white
Short or long hair:spiky
Height:taller than me
Best weight:not fat. they're too lazy. that's my job.
Best clothing:black
Best first date location:Makai
Best first kiss location:-_- i don't think about this shit
Number of drugs taken illegally:none
Number of people I could trust with my life:*looks around* i think three or four
Number of CDs that I own:hundreds
Number of piercings:none
Number of tattoos:temporary onies? one of Hiei
Number of times my name's been in the news:newspaper? never. and I plan to keep it that way...
Number of scars on my body:two or three
Number of things in my past that I regret.:falling for Kurama before I fell for Hiei *shudder*

Layers brought to you by BZOINK!

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