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myOtaku.com: HowlingWolfChick

Monday, August 14, 2006

What's up? Not much here, just chillin'. I got back from Zee's the other day, we had gone to Six Flags with her Grandma's church. She blew all her money on the swingy thing or whatever, so we had to use my $20 to play games and such. Zee won me a stuffed dog, and a roadrunner plushie. She got a blue monkey and the Coyote that came with the roadrunner. We met a couple guys there, who were as crazy as we are. They were pretty cool, one of them bought me and Zee Batman capes. Yay Batman capes!! XD I fell asleep in the truck while everyone stopped to eat. As a result, I'm now a bit sunburned. Doesn't hurt though.

I got a new necklace too! I got it from Zee's boyfriend, Richard. We were at church, and Zee had Richard's CD Player. I had Zee's book, and Richard had a necklace I wanted. So, we all traded. And now I have a new Playboy Bunny pendant. :P

I accidentally left my bag of clothes and such in Zee's mom's car when she dropped us off. My intelligence was really showing that day. -.- Now all my CDs are at Zee's along with my favourite shirt and jeans, as well as my AFI cd. :( Oh well, I'll get them back soon.

Well, I best get off here before mom wakes up. Later!

Faretheewell. For now.


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