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myOtaku.com: hellfire13

Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Omg my friend Britteny is in the hospital and I don't even know why! God I am so freaking worried about her right now! And like tomorrow i'm leaving for camp and i'll have no idea what happened to Britteny! *begins to cry*. God I am so damn worried about her right now.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005

   Well today was fun, I went to the movies with some of my friends. We saw War of the Worlds. Omg it was such a good movie yet I cried during it. And the main character's son was SOOO hott. I loved him, he was my favorite. Anyway I don't have much to say but ttul everyone.
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Thursday, June 30, 2005

   This day sucks
Well today sucks so far......My dad made my mom cry today and he was like yelling his fucking head off at her and I don't know why. But it does have something to do with my stupid cousin. We kicked her out of the house cause she was stressing my mom out a lot. And mom is sick and she doesn't need anymore bullshit. Also she was being a bitch to my sister. But i'm not going to get into that am I? No i'm not. Also the day I left for Ari's house...Her dad honked the horn to signal that he was in my drive way so I signed off AIM and the computer....I remember turning the computer off. But my dad caught my brother on the computer in the morning and he's not allowed on the computer b/c he ran away from home for about a day and called my mom a terrible name to call a woman. If your thinking it's bitch, it's not there's a worse word than that. But anyway so then my dad changed the password so not even I can get online. Also my brother started saying I was my dad's favorite and that got me pissed off at him and he basically just made my day worse. My dad let me on the PC before he left today but then he said:" When I come home this computer is off." So now i'm probably not gonna be able to talk to Brandon online tonight. And today is basically his last night at home before he goes on vacation. Yeah well those are my family problems for now.

My friend Ashley was depressed a couple of days ago and I tried to help her but she wouldn't let me. My other friend Britteny told me she tried to help her but she couldn't because even Ashley wouldn't let Britteny help her. Then I got really really worried about Ashley. And I still am. Ashley if you ever need me i'm there for you!! Lylas Ashley!

So far this summer vacation sucks and I really want to cut myself but I am afraid if someone in my family will see my cuts....God i'm so depressed right now. And so far this summer vacation sucks.....Everything is getting all fucked up.

P.S. Excuse my language. :(

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   I'm sad
Well the good part of my day is that I get to sleep over Ari's houe again cause no one would drive me home or pick me up. Heh heh >< But anyways the really sad part of my day was that I can't see my bf for 18 days! B/c he's going on vacation july 2nd and the day he comes back from vacation is the day camp starts for me. Ha ha camp don't ask >>........... But anyways I started to cry when I found this out...Cause I was planning to hang out with him Friday but I don't think I can.... And also he told me that her might be able to talk to me tomorrow night. I really hope he can! If he doesn't i'm going to cry even more!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

   Well uh yeah i'm going to Ari's house today! w00t!! And um anyways what else....Oh yeah I had the crappiest sleep ever. I just keep having terrible sleep, it sucks! Oh yeah today's by bf's birthday!!! I'm so happy for him! Well there's nothing else to say. But ttul people.
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Monday, June 27, 2005

*sighs* Yes indeed i'm bored...It sucks......Hey if any of you people have a problem with me swearing so much i'm sorry and you can tell me to stop..:( But anyways......i'm having a boring day again. Dude i'm always bored.
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Sunday, June 26, 2005

   Friggin bored
Dude I am friggin bored right now........But i'm going to my friends house soon. Haha yay for me uh oh yeah my brother shaved his hair off and he looks friggin creepy.

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Holy crap I haven't updated in a friggin long time. I am so damn sorry people. But um yeah I went to therapy cause i'm depressed, I have suicidal thoughts and such, uh what else I also cut myself. Yeah i know I need to stop and stuff........But it's kind of hard. Yeah i cried and shit...uh yeah I went into town the other day and all hell broke loose. Yeah my anger management boyfriend got all pissed off at these stupid ghetto idiots who were like to me:"Ooooo Gothic chick." And my bf got all pissy at them and was about to beat the living crapolla out of em ^____^. Aww he's so cute he stood for me! Yeah Brandon goes to therapy too and takes medication every freaking four hours. But yeah it was all depressing....and so far my summer vacation SUCKS!
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

   So bored
So uh yeah thanks for posting people. It made me happy inside. But anyways, i'm bored as hell right now. Like about 75% of my day is being bored. Boredom rules my mind. And ah yes my favorite qoute is: "Chopsticks are for Germans." I saw it on a T-shirt and I fell in love with it. But yeah today sucked ass. Excuse me for the language. My brother's being a bitch today.

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Monday, June 13, 2005

Hello everyone! This is my first post so its probably gonna suck! Anyway i've had this thingy for a while but I was just to lazy to actually like edit it or put anything in it and stuff. But oh well now here I am. SO uh yeah thats all for now ppls. Bai bai!
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