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myOtaku.com: Heavens Cloud

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I am thrilled to be back at work after a few days of vacation. My parents’ house was horrible. I was forced to eat incredibly delicious food, I was encouraged to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, I was allowed to sleep for as long as I desired as often as I desired, and, while it was cold, it wasn’t nearly as cold as Ohio. It was terrible I tell you! Terrible!

There was one bright spot to coming home; I got to open all of the nifty video games I received! The only game I have had a chance to play is SMT: Nocturne (I would have typed out Shin Megami Tensei, but I doubt I am spelling it correctly). So far the game seems really addictive, though I haven’t played it for more than a few hours.

Oh! There was one other bright spot when I came home. With Christmas over I was a tad melancholy about having no more presents to open. However, when I arrived home last night I found a large brown envelope stuffed in my mail box. Thank you for the kick ass scarf Arcadia! It was my last Christmas present this year and I shall wear it every chance I get!

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