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myOtaku.com: Hahligirl56

Saturday, October 20, 2007

   *yawn* One sheep...two sheep...three sheep...four...
Well...I don't feel very peppy right now. Rather suprising, but I guess it's because I was getting high on music. Meaning, if I listen to good music that I love, I get excited. I won't tell you exactly what I DO, but that I prefer to be alone during this time. Sort of like my own private time, to enjoy myself, when I'm at home and not in town.

Anyways...I suppose I should talk about school now.

In Desktop Publishing, after we finished planning out the layouts for the yearbook, we did...nothing. Absolutely nothing. :P

In English, we finished watching the movie version of The Outsiders, and we took a test on it this week. It was a rather long test; first with matching, then several multiple choice, then we had quotes, although not only did we have to write down who SAID the quote, but wht we felt it meant. Yeah...and there were some pretty good quotes in there. I think I'll put them up near the end of my post. Anyways, then we had this essay, worth 20 points, stating that we should write down how the characters in the story tried to break the bonds of their social status, as Greasers and Socs. And I wrote out my heart on all of this, in full detail and mind.

Well, come Friday, we recieved back our tests, and I got the perfect score of 100! :D
Everyone else made like 70's, 50's and so on...or so I overheard and seen. When Sterling (one of the guys near me) asked me what I made, I showed him my paper (you really feel a bunch of pride when you excell in something nobody else does, but I always quietly hide that pride for myself, and my relatives. ^_^)

Tanner said I cheated....um, cheat how? We read the book from beginning to end, watched the movie, and I was deeply interested in it, and studied those characters and their actions by heart; how could you fail when you have something like that? Now, I just want to get the book. ^_^;;;

And we also took our vocabulary test. Not exactly sure how well I did right now, but I hope I did alright...

In Biology, we turned in our Cell Stories, and finished our labs successfully. Very interesting, I must say, about the changes of the egg's cell membrance throughout the week. ^_^

Our Biology teacher also stated that if we wanted to take our junk cells home, we should do it as soon as we could, because after that, it was all hers to claim.

I made a 103 on the junk cell, by the way. :P
I thanked my parents for helping me achieve that grade. ^_^

Well, I went up to get to my cell, when my teacher stopped me with a sharp, "Andrea!" I was so scared I did something wrong, I turned back alomst quickly to my desk. "Yours was one of the ones that I liked; you really want to take it home?"


"Because, I was hoping to save it to show the other kids wehn they do their junk cells."


"Ummm...well...I'll probably throw it away in a few years anyway..." ^_^;;;;;;

Well, if she wanted it, she has it. ^_^

In Theatre Arts, we took our test on Pantomiming...I REALLY wish she'd have given us a study sheet or something, because that test was quite some challenge...I doubt I did well. T_T

Oh well...if I fail, I think I'll be able to bump it up, if it's God's will.

In Algebra, we went over the benchmark (which I made an 80 on. Missed only two problems, so you can tell how many there were. :P)

In Tennis, played matches with Kirby.

In Health, we studied about drugs and their affects this week.

And in World Geography, we finished studying about Latin America and took a test on it, which I think I did well on. :D

And now...for pics, vids, and those quotes! ^_^

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja E3 Special STAGE DEMO

Best trailer of the game I've seen thus far! XD

Droopy - the three little pups

If you love classic toons, and hilarious speaking, then take a look at this Droppy episode if you never seen it. ^_^

I think that's one of my favorite Droppy episodes yet; this, and the one called Senor Droopy. ^_^

Roses Are Red-Hinata

I don't know why...but, I like the Aqua songs. O_O

And the kids keep on annoying me with singing Barbie Girl, yet I still like it. O_O

I'm a weirdo. T_T

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Ooh.... :33333


And lastly, the great quotes. :D

Er...some of them. If you haven't seen the movie or read the book, this may not make a whole lot of sense to you.

"He ain't a Soc, he's just a guy. He just wanted to talk." - Ponyboy Curtis

"You greasers have a different set of values. You're more emotional. We're sophisticated-Cool to the point of not feeling anything."
- Cherry Valance (I spelled her name Cherri on the test, though. XD)

"I am a graser. I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people, I rob gas stations, I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun!" - Sodapop Curtis (He didn't say this like he meant it; he was only making fun of the sterotypical image of what most people thoguht greasers were. They're the nice guys, though. :D)

"...that poem, that guy that wrote it, he meant you're gold when you're a kid, like green. When you're a kid everything's new, dawn. It's just when you get used to everything that it's day. Like the way you dig sunsets, Pony. THat's gold. Keep it that way, it's a good way to be." - Johnny Cade (in a note to Pony after his death. He was talking about a poem by Robert Frost that was mentioned earlier in the novel:

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower
But only so an hour

Then leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.)

And...that's all, guys. Sera, I need to talk to you about that post; no one really directed a statement to me, so I don't know what to do now.

And also...I have a few charcters forming in my mind for that Christian anime story...I'm still working on it. I still need a good plot and all, so give me suggestions, people, if you have any!

That's all for today! See ya! ^_^

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