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myOtaku.com: Hahligirl56

Friday, September 7, 2007


Well, the week went by rather fast...especially since we were off this Monday. I so wish we had more four-day weeks. :D

Okay, granted, the summer would be shorter...but, anyways, let's go right ahead with a briefing on school.

Journalism - We're discussing about photography and we're working with the camera...literally. And the different types of poses and [hrases we needed to know.

English - We're reading The Monkey's Paw. I heard of it, but never was able to read it. We'll finish it soon...it seems like a horror story. O_O

Biology - It was, literally, a SWEET week. We had an Oreo lab, and I ended up getting a lot of Oreo cookies...yuuum! :D

Theatre Arts - We studied about the history of theatre. I liked it! :D

Algebra - Learning new things, but I think I'm managing well... ^_^

Tennis - We're beginning to hit. I love the fact tat we're a small group of only 7 kids. It's more enjoyable that way, and we get more things done...

Health - We did worksheets and copied out of the books. Nothing much right now...

World Geography - We're learning about the physical features of the Earth.

On to sad matters...Kirby's grandfather died. :(
She came to school with a shaky voice, and her eyes were pink, so something was wrong…then she broke into crying and told me the bad news. I tried to comfort her, if only briefly, since the bell rang a couple of seconds later, but I tried to comfort her as best I could…

And I found out only moments ago online that one of my favorite authors of all time, Madeline L’Engle, who wrote A Wrinkle in Time, its spinoffs, and other great books, died on Thursday, too. I was expecting this, too, of course…but, still, I wish she wrote more about what happened to Charles Wallace. T_T

He’s such a really cool character; a genius at a very young age and small size…

But…a least she was a Christian, and she lived to the ripe old age of 88. We’ll miss you, Mrs. L’Engle!

If you're curious on who I'm making a big deal about, go to this link:


Anyways, at Tennis, Coach got a present from Varsity Tennis: Chocolate chip cookies! :D
Coach let us each have one, although I only had one (I seriously shouldn’t eat those oreos right away now. O_O). I was hoping I could give Kirby an oreo cookie, if she wanted it, by lunchtime, although she seemed to have left. I told Courtney and Missy, but I had to move on, too.

And we had our pep rally today. Wow, I just love our band.! :D
But, I swear, all the kids surrounding me were just about to deafen me; it was annoying. But, the band made me happier. :D

Now, then, for a couple of pics and/or vids…

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For Kirby…I hope it makes you feel a little bit better. :)

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A really se--

... erm, cool picture of Kakashi! *blushes and has small nosebleed* :P

And now a vid...

Deliver Us - The Prince of Egypt (Japanese)

That's all for today. Now excuse me while I go play on my new game and/or listen to music. :D

God bless you all! ^_^

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