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myOtaku.com: Hahligirl56

Monday, July 16, 2007

Whoo...so much to tell...
Oh gee...

Allo, people! I came back from camp on Friday, but it's only now that I'm posting! XD

I think it's because I'm terribly lazy... :P

Anyways, first things first to talk about: Camp.

Camp was great, and by great, I mean AWESOME!

Personally, I'm not the outgoing type (I know that's a bit hard to see that here online, but if you really met me in real-life, I'm usually the quiet one who doesn't say much and usually tries to stay in the back...

Well, oh, how can I say this...? Basically, I was practically forced to be a little bit more outgoing that week; although I rarely interacted with the girls in my cabin unless they all of a sudden talked to me. What I mean to say is that I made several new friends...by accident. Most I don't even know that well! :P

Let's see...two people that I've made friends with. One was a 16-year old boy (and I regret not ever memorizing his name, though I told him mine...). That guy was great! :D
He has an account like Gaia online, although, like me, he rarely goes on it. He has a friend though who is very active --The Demon of...something. He told me that despite the username, she's actually very nice, and I'll try to take his word for it. ^_^

And I met his group of friends, too; they're all great! ^_^
I heard one of his friends suddenly talking about Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and I'm thinking: "I LOVE that movie!" :D

He even quoted some stuff from the movie... :P

They all go to another church and school than me, but I hope they'll come back next year, too! :D

The last time we all saw each other was last Wednesday, and we all took a picture together...and then we realized that the camera belonged to someone else!

Oops... XD

I wonder what the owner will saw when he sees the pictures...

And the other friend I made was an African American girl named Ebony. She's a junior in high school, and goes to my church, too. She's REALLY outgoing and a great dancer, and she forces me to dance with her and her group (I just can't seem to deny any request, can I?). Still, we talked, and she was amazed that I could sing along with the Numa Numa song (I kept on telling everyone that I was Romanian-American, and that the words were quite easy to memorize once you listen to it several times...)

Our group was the 'Ducks'...I don't know WHY, because, personally, the 'Ducks' sounds like a really sappy name to me. :P

Anyways, we had a great time in Recreation, where we compete against other churches, and after 14, we finally won another Spirit Stick for my church (you should have seen me; I didn’t have much spirit in our group!) XD

We had a radio along with us, and we always danced to two main songs, ‘The Soldier Dance’ and the ‘Numa Numa’ song. The Soldier Dance was our team’s reccuring theme, and I was eventually forced to join in the dance the first time it was played. Even so, I caught onto the moves rather quickly, and they fit the song very well! The moves are quite easy to master, and you’ll have fun doing the dance; it’s great! ^_^

I hope we do something like that again next year…

And then…there was Friends’ Night. Let me tell you, it was something BIG! O_O

It began on Wednesday night, where we all had to stay past until 1:00 AM to know who our ‘Friends’ or more appropriately ‘Dates’ were. I was scared to death by this, and I didn’t want to do it…at all.

Lucky for me a handsome blond boy, who’s a junior too in high school named Andrew. I thought that was weird, because my name…never mind. ^_^;

When I came back from the playground near our cabin the next day in the afternoon, all the girls were all dressed up and had make-up on. Everyone kept on telling me, “You’re not ready yet?” Then I told them I didn’t have a good dress, and that I didn’t know too much about Friends’ Night and whatever. That’s when the cabin girls took over. T_T

They put make-up on me (like I really had a choice to resist), and they gave me a rather cute brown and white dress with brown slippers, and they straightened my hair (I was happy with that, because I like my hair straight ^_^). When they were all done, everyone kept on gasping at me, and kept on saying, “OMG, YOU’RE SO BEAUTIFUL!” and “YOU’RE GORGEOUS!” and “I didn’t recognize you!”

In short, I looked like a model.

I was absolutely not used with all this strange attention, so I either blushed at all the comments, or tried to back away from all the stalkers. XD
Actually, I only had to do that once…

But Kakashi was there to protect me, and so I’m glad! ^_^

Then we went with our ‘dates’ to eat dinner (good thing, too, because I was starving to death!) and then the crowd began to cover me and the it happened again. One lady gasped at me, put her hand to her lips, and then tried to touch me--THAT’S when I started backing up in my chair!

Anywho, I kept my make-up on a bit so that my counselor could take a picture of me and email to my parents (I later showed them the day after I came home). Then later in the evening, I washed my face and took on my regular clothes. Let me tell you something, eye make-up is TERRIBLY hard to wash off! It took me 7 minutes to do that before I did anything else. T_T

No more eye make up for me! XD

My favorite part of the camp was the playground, because they had swings, and I LOVE swings! ^_^
I also walked every single day, and both my legs and arms would be sore by the end of the day. If I didn’t lose a little weight (skinny, though I am) I will be shocked!

I showed a picture of me like that to Kirby, Haru, and Uchiha Seraphim. You guys were shocked, too! XD

Still, I didn't exactly feel very different, even with a make-over...

It was sunny all week until Friday, and then the massive lightning storm came. Good thing no one got hurt, though, because I was scared for my family if they went out. ^_^

Also…drum roll please…I GOT ULTIMATE NINJA 2!!! FINALLY! And I must say, it is INDEED better than the first one! :D
The storyline is more accurate, you can play as more characters, there’s an RPG mode which I love, and it is VERY challenging for me…

I have to agree with fellow buyers and reviewers of the game: KABUTO’S INCREDIBLY HARD TO BEAT!!! T_T

Right now, I am saved at the part when you begin playing as Kakashi, although I’ve finished that part at least once. I have yet to complete the entire Ultimate Road, and I had to use cheat notes (yes, that’s how hard it is for me. I duck, don’t I? :P) Nevertheless, it’s an amazing game; there’s MUCH more dialouge, and you can walk around in RPG mode, which I love!^_^

And the storyline, like I said, is more accurate than the first game…and it was a little more emotional for me. O_O

I had NO idea what the Gedo mark was, although the name sounded familiar to me…I have no idea if it was made up for the game or not, but it was still a pretty intense part of the second part of the RPG, which takes directly after the Tsunade arc. I thought, “Wow…the second part of the RPG is even better than I expected!” When Orochimaru casted the Gedo Mark: Seal on Kakashi’s Sharingan, I felt a really intense moment. And then…I felt so sad for Kakashi…

And then Orochimaru said that Kakashi would learn to suffer (and the only video game I felt for truly was Kingdom Hearts II, but this was emotional for me too, actually! O_O)

Then all those moments with the momentary pain his left eye, and Tsunade telling him there was no cure…I just had to see these scenes over and over again.

Oh, gee…you just need to see the rest; in words is nothing!

So, I’m going to keep on playing until I can defeat Kabuto again, and then start a new save file for which I can start off as I am now. :3

I love playing as Kakashi…

Kirby, next time you come over, I’m going to make you endure watching the RPG storymode part. XD

Or at least part of it, anways. ^_^

And also, a dear little six-year old boy whom I posted about a couple of weeks ago died after a four-year battle with cancer. I hope we can attend his funeral at our church, and his parents are glad that his suffering is over. His parents want everyone to wear happy clothes instead of black, because a dear little angel has gone to meet his Maker, the Lord. He loved playing with LEGOs, as I do, and watching movies with his family. God bless you, little soldier, you’re now free forever of your suffering. ^_^

And I suppose that’s it for today. I’ll be posting the next episode of Naruto Nippon tomorrow, and it’s with Naruto and Shikamaru. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you have a great day! ^_^

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