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myOtaku.com: guddosyal

Friday, May 18, 2007

I just realized something. That i am a extremely selfish person. And that thought sickens me. I mean it. I can't explain it but it's kinda like everyday i think i should go and do this (so i can help out someone) but i don't. I don't like that. *sighs* I guess i have to do my absolute best and try to fix it.
Shoot i have exams next weeek and it's the last week of school. I don't get that. Why have exams on the last week? why can't we just relax? (0_o another selfish thought)
I start highschool next year and i am sooooo nervous about it. Well not so much nervous as dreading it. I don't know why but highschool seems a lot like heck to me. And plus all that i am not going to the same highschool as my friends so i am most probably never going to see them again. And that completely sucks. I value my friends and i don't enjoy losing them just because my education wil be better "challenged" at another school. My dad wants me there and he wants me making straight a pluses. yay. -_-. I guess i am supposed to be perfect. (wow i do a lot of complaining. *sighs* i guess i am just another little brat) that thought is disheartening because i want to do my best and understand. Complaining about things never makes them better. I just have to do my best i guess. lol i guess you guys have had enough of my whining so anysways ttyl

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