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myOtaku.com: guddosyal

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Terrible sick Stuff happens everyday but not only to wolfs it
happens to every living thing, even humans. If it didn't i guess it would be a perfect world actually if a lot of stuff didn't happen it would be a perfect world. unfortunately it isn't. So all we can do is try our best to help though we may not be able to do much. Another of the endless sad truths of life. *sighs*

I don't really have a specific religion. kind of believe in everything. If someone tells me something then i'll believe in it. Kind of stupid i know but i don't see the point in telling one person their wrong while saying another person is right while not knowing the truth of it all myself. Anyway religion is just a safe barrier for people. they want to know there's a higher power that will help them no matter what. They don't like the idea of being alone. religion is also a way to explain what happens after death. They don't like the idea of their loved one's or themselves disapearing after death. Here's an exerpt that may better help you understand what i am saying because i know i may not be making sense. "People,I thought, wanted security. They couldn't bear the idea of death being a big black nothing, couldn't bear the thought of their loved ones not existing, and couldn't even IMAGINE themselves not existing. I finally decided that people believed in an afterlife because they couldn't bear not to". This explains exactly what i think on the subject even though this is an exerpt from someone else. I am not saying it's wrong i am just saying it happens because in truth humans are weak creatures. lol sounds wierd when i say it. lol.

Another thing about us is that we are verry selfish. We love not for everyone else we love for ourselves because we don't like being alone. and when we do love we expect something in return. Another selfish notion. We hate not because we truly believe it's someone else's fault and we want justice but to have the security and backup so that we can convince ourselves taht our fate is our own fault. WE make our own choices but we still blame. We humans are verry selfish. Another one of those sad truths.

We do a lot of things wrong but we also do a lot of thing right.

I know that we humans are weak creatures but we are also verry stuborn. SO when we decide to help The Worst thing on earth couldn't stop us. We may be weak but we can decide between good or bad (in our point of view) in the face of pressure and still do what we think is right. So i guess that's one good point about humans.

Humans form relationships because they are scared. They are afraid that there may not be anyone else in the world that understands them and there maybe never will. They are afraid to admit that the only truth in this world is that we are born into this world alone and we will die alone. Even twins for that matter have to be born one by one and die one by one. Even if someone kills herself/himself after their loved one has died they are still themselves dying alone. Humans fear being alone. Humans fear the dark abyss. That is another reason they fear death. We get into relationships because we want to believe that there is someone else out there that understands us fully. Someone else out there that may join us in death. We love because we are selfish.

But the good thing is that we are kind. Sometimes inadvertently but sometimes purposely. We are kind because we want to make ourselves feel better. We are kind because we are selfish. Have you ever noticed that when you do something kind for someone else that you get this warm happy feeling inside. Well that is the reason we are kind to others. Though the good thing about this no matter what the reason for our kindness we just brought a smile to someone else’s face and that in my eyes no matter what caused you to do it deserves that feeling. There is already so much darkness in the world. And it increases every time we say something hurtful without remorse or when we do something that we do not regret though we know it to be wrong. We do things to destroy the beauty around us everyday but on the occasion when we do something to increase it, even though it may be for a selfish cause, It deserves to be rewarded. Because no matter what the cause you just increased the world’s beauty and that says something.

ok here are some comments i posted on another friends site but it thought they were truthful so i thought i'd post them up get ur opinions on them. If you got this far in reading these hats off to you. sorry it was so long. once i got started i couldn't stop. wierd habbit. I may answer those questions later. sorry i keep putting it off. *smirks* ttyl

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