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myOtaku.com: Gray Underpants

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Whew! I think I finally got around to everyone who updated today.

Grades have been posted online. So far I've had two students in particular do the grade-grubbing thing. I'm sorry, but if a student got a "B+," it doesn't matter how close that person was to an "A-," that student still got a "B+." These scores are not completely arbitrary. What's more, these grades are not an identity, it's an evaluation of the work students submitted in my class, nothing more. Yikes! I'm sure I was like this once...patience, give me patience.

My friends and I saw National Treasure today. It was ok--about what you'd expect. We exchanged gifts--I got a Barnes and Noble gift card--fun, fun! I bought a book by Storm Constantine, one of my faves.

EDIT: Check this psychic web site out. Let me know if you can figure out how it does it! I'm stumped!

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