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myOtaku.com: God of Death

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I'm sick and it sux.....I wish I could enjoy the fact that today was my last day of school until next year but I can't.....-_-......I spent most of my time after school in bed. I woke up for dinner and I've stayed up....I feel like shit. I've taken some medication but it hasn't helped at all or at least I can't notice a difference. I hope I have fun on my christmas break. I've still got that spiked egg nog...my mom said we where going to get regular egg nog and mix the two so it might taste better, so I'll tell u how that goes when it gets here.

I just can't get a break from school even though it's gone.....I have an english project due the day I get back....I have a physics project due the next day after I get back and physics homework due that same day. but thankfully my algebra/trig teacher didn't give us any homework which is supprising b/c she alway's give us homework but I guess she's not in the christmas spirit of giving....lol.....well I must be off....*fades*

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