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myOtaku.com: GIDRA

Monday, September 10, 2007


Hey my friends!

New week has started...yay..o joy!

This last weekend,actually Saturday I had fun with my friends.
We went to a soccer game.It was a qualification game for the European championship 2008.Croatia- Estonia.
YAY......WE WON!!!!
Score was 2:0.

I just love our games.We have so many different cheering songs.And for example what I like the most is when....north grandstand cheer "For home!!!" and east grandstands says "Ready!!! and we are repeating that few times.It feels like thunder.Or north says "fight,fight!!!" and west says "for U'r nation!!!"
But of course on Croatian it sounds different.It rhymes.("U boj,u boj!!!" - "Za narod svoj!!!")

It was so much fun...well it always is.

Later we went for a drink and when I got home(around midnight) I went strait to bed.I woke up with a sore throat...from all the yelling.
I can't wait for the next game.Which is on October 17th.We are playing with Israel...

That is all for today's post
I'll talk to U guys later.


What?Wallpaper that is not Naruto or Bleach?

I did it for K-chan.(Angel Zakuro)She is one of my best friends here on MyO.It's Misuzu from anime Air TV.I haven't seen it...yet.I probably will.I've heard so many good thing about it.(K-chan...I hope U like it)

And all other Misuzu fans ...ENYOJ!!!

I must thank U again for visiting me,and U know how I appreciate U'r comments to my art.So....ARIGATOGOZAIMASU!!!

Talk to U people later.

Enjoy U'r day my friends!!!
Genki da yo!

Ja ne !!!


p.s.Click here for my other wallpapers


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