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myOtaku.com: GhostlyNinja

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

   Post Last updated: 1:42am
Life Update
1:30 am

Hey everyone!!! I'm very happy right now! I am happy because
1. band has started
2. I got to see LB
3. I got an xbox360
4. because I can
I have been so bored since summer has started, but now that band has started I will have something to do! (I know I'm weird) And since band has started, I will get to see LB much more often!!!! It is going to be a little strange this year... My best friend couldn't do band this year because of academic reasons.... He is been in band with me since 5th grade. But I guess he's got to do what he's got to do. This year, I am in a postition of authority!!!! (kind of) Since I am a senior now and section leader, I get to tell pepole what to do!!! *evil laugh* I'm not mean like that, am I??? I got an xbox360 a couple days ago, but I haven't had to time to post about that yet... We could only get 3 games, so we got Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Perfect Dark: Zero, and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. They are all great games. I haven' played Ghost Recon much though.... It's mostly Perfect Dark, but that is ok. Maybe I will try to play it before I go to bed. I think that's about it. I'll try to visit more people's sites tomorrow. I'm starting to feel bad for not being able to visit everybody's sites.... There are just so many people that update everyday. It is just kind of overwhelming.... I will try harder tomorrow. Ok, Talk to you all later!
(The other stuff will be up in about 10 mins...)

Quotes of the Day
1:36 am

"We have the gift to learn from our mistakes. Use that gift."
-Little Birdie

"How do you know that that isn't some czech guy on the czech wikipedia who has a myotaku account?"
-My Brother

"Let your mind consume information like a wildfire consumes dead grass"
-GhostlyNinja (I really hope that the wildfires in the western US goes out soon...)

Question of the Day
1:42 am

I know this may seem random, but in class we had a huge arguement about this.
What is better, a thermus or see through tape???

-My reply to this question was, a thermus. My reasoning was ridiculous and I don't remember it, but it had something to do about getting lost in the arctic and how unuseful see through tape would be. My friend (Peter, *cough cough* I know LB, IMNoBishounen, and RedLegs ( didn't feel like writing out his whole MyO name) knows him... ) ANyway, Peter said that, "See through tape was God's gift to man". He is weird.... I'm not stickin with tape. (hahahaha, I made a funny! kind of...)

My Stats
1:45 am

Total Visits: 556
Popularity Ranking: # 2524
Guestbook signings: 110 (people either are quiting MyO are don't like me....)

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