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myOtaku.com: ghettostar0492

Monday, August 7, 2006

I notice something over the weekend. I'm 14 now in 10th grade, that means I graduate at 16. That is, as long as I keep up with my grades. Wow.

Over the weekend I went *in high girl pitch* SHOPPING! *giggles* Ok, that has to stop. Yes, Tax-Free is the best time to go shopping. I went to the nearest Ross (which was 1 hr 20 by car). I got a pair of jeans a shirt some shoes a skirt, another pair of jeans and some more shoes. After shopping for clothes, we went shopping for school supplies. I only bought 3 packs of paper and a box of mechanical pencils.

Then we went to best Buy. I saw a couple of anime. Their collection was not that good. I saw the Wolf's Rain Box set, Yu Yu Hakusho Box Set, and Azumanga Diaoh Boxset; each out of my buget. -__-

But wait! A bright side! I did get 2 of my favorite child DVDs. Quest for Camelot......

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.....and The King and I. The cartoon musical. Oh, the memories. xp

OH, my sister has her new layout on her site. Unfortuantley, she can't help me with mine because I guess mine is more than what she did with hers. *shruggs*
If you can please stop by her site and check it out! ^^ (The link is at the top of my site)

Anyway, here's the...

Interesting fact about me that you may or may not find interesting

My favorite genre(s) of movie is Comedy/Horror/Sci-fi/Action

About you

What is your favorite movie genre(s)?

Well, that's all the time I have.



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