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myOtaku.com: Gemmei

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

   A little quote for y'all ^+^
This is a quote I got from the translation of 'The Tale of Genji'. ^+^

"There is, it seems, an art of so fitting each part of the narrative into the next that, though all is mere invention, the reader is persuaded that such things might easily have happened and is as deeply moved as though they were actually going on around him. We may know with one part of our minds that every incident has been invented for the express purpose of impressing us; but(if the plot is constructed with the requisite skill) we may all the while in another part of our minds be burning with indignation at the wrongs endured by some wholly imaginary princess. Or again we may be pursuaded by a writer's eloquence into accepting the crudest absurdities, our judgement being as it were dazzled by sheer splendor of language."

This was said by the main character, Genji, to his friend's daughter, Tamakatsura. ^+^ Still holds true now, yeah? ^+^ The book was written in the begining of the 11th century. ^+^ I'm now on the second half of the stories. ^+^ I wonder how all this would sound if I read it in it's original form?! Hmm... 'course I would have to learn how to read Kanji... 'cause I believe that it was written in Kanji and Chinese characters. ^+^ Hmm... ^^;;; Maybe, maybe not. Well, y'all should read the book. ^+^ It's really good. Be careful which translation you pick, though. Some might cut a big chunk out. (it's more fun to read it when less has been cut out) ^+^ The one I'm reading was done in the 70s, so they try their hardest to make things a lot "easier" to read. Like instead of using sake, they use wine. ^+^;;; LOL!! And instead of kimono and the likes, they use robe, etc. ^+^ But, if you get past that, it's pretty easy to understand it. ^+^ I have been writing for a while. Heh... I guess when I'm excited I write a lot, too. ^+^ (I normally talk a lot when I'm excited) ^+^

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