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myOtaku.com: Ganymede

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Saturday, December 23, 2005

Christmas and stuff

My feeling at the moment...

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Well well well...how are my most wonderful friends of the Otaku race!? Are ya guys surviving? If not....my most deep condolences to the dearly departed.

Well...nothin much goin on with me...as usual...though the wonderful Christmas season is spicin things up for me. Not to mention the oh so fabulous day of my birth!! I am officially 19 as of wednsday! WooooHOO!! Oh wait....thats not good...I'm....SO OLD!!!! LOL anyways...I had a great b-day party!!! Benakittie, FayeKoizumi, Koneko2005, and AngelsNeverCry19 all came over. We a blast playin Soul Caliber II..I of course...beat them all!!! MWAHAHAAAAAAA!!!! Ahem...LOL yeah I got a CD play and some CDs...and I got Hana-kimi 2, Azumanga Daioh 1, and Devil May Cry 3 book 1 manga!!! AWESOME!!! ^__^ Bena gave me SUCH a cool present!! She bought this blue wooden Japanese umbrella with white flowers, then she painted me a picture with a lady holding the umbrella!!! ITS SO PRETTY!!! T^T The only thing is.....I have no room on my walls with all my anime posters and pictures!!! SUCH A DELIMMA!!! Anyways...we went to Borders after to spent the gift cards I gave them for their early Christmas presents. LOL we ended up staying there for a total of 2 and a half hours! I too...got money to spend and I ended up buying...Hana-kimi 9, Model 7, and a Novel called Eldest. SO yeah....I love books....or manga I guess you could say. I read them all already...except for Eldest that is...cuz its almost 700 pages...though I am about half way done with it.

Um...well today I got to go to my Aunt and Uncles house to open presents early!!! YAY!! I get about three days for opening presents...which is REALLY COOL!!! I usually get 4 days...but My Grandma is selling her house and she doesn't have it all decorated. We usually do each of our houses (My aunt's, my G-ma, and my house) for one day of present opening...cuz its too much of a hassle carrying all of the presents to and from each house. Today I just got alot of clothes...a bible and a CD set of hymns and some money. SO yeah I had a good pile ^__^.

OHH OHHH OHHH Now that you mention presents!!! I got a most wonderful...most splindiforous...most excellent LAP TOP!!! OOOoOOoOHH AAaAAaaaAAAaaaH! ^___^ Yep yep...for most of the past two days I've been constantly surfin the net!! ITS SOOOOO COOL!!! ^____^

Well must be off! Have to finish watchin Spirited Away! Haven't seen it in SUCH a long time!! Well, I hope all you guys have a wonderful Christmas Holiday and a SAFE New Year!!



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