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myOtaku.com: Fire knight

Friday, November 26, 2004

hey whats up. I'm in the middle of a party and I'm a bit tierd so I tough I would come chill at the computer. Well so far so good. I'm having ablast my friend are all here and I ate so much that I won't eat for the rest of my life *yells* pass the chicken. Well maybe in the next life I'll do that but for now chow time. Well I have to go before everything disapears bye


Created by Janice and taken 2449 times on bzoink!

School or sleep?sleep
Dad or mom?no one
Friend or foe?foe
Girl or guy?girl
Love or lust?lust
Bald or hair?hair
Boxers or briefs?boxers
Bike or car?car
Life or death?death
daughter or son?daughter
Math or Science?math
Choir or PE?PE
Rain or Sun?rain
walking lawn mower or riding lawn mower?riding lawn mower
Trick or Treat?treat

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***long and pretty***

Created by shatteredwidow and taken 25 times on bzoink!

eye color/hair color?Brown/Black
if you had one wish...To live happy
if you had one goal...To be free of all
if you were a fantasy creature..Phonex
if you were a drink...I would be deathly
if you ruled the world, how would you change it?Flames shooting from the floor
what color is your soul?Black as night
how often do you dream?Dreams are human I am not
if you were an animal...I would be a lone wolf
what care bear would you be? (you can make up your own)Fire Bear with the power to contro/create flames
if you were a drug...I would give you the best and cheapest high
if you were a cartoon character..I would be the hero who turn evil
whats your best feature?My kisses are breath taking
do you have nightmares?My life is full of them I live in a world of nightmares
if so what of?Eternal lonliness
fav band(s)?Too many
fav actor?......I'll get back to you on that
fav actress?points up
fav color(s)?Black, Red, Dragons Bood,
fav food?Souls
fav movie(s)Alexander
fav tv channel?None
fav piece of clothing you own?My *bounty hunter for hire* shirt
fav piece of jewerly?my shadow skull
do you smoke?some times
drink?some times
do drugs?No
have you had sex?yes
anal?I've given anal
any fetishes?too many
gay bi or straight?straight
single or taken?taken
oj simpson?Die
death penalitymade for me
abortion?Wish I was aborted
gay marriage?good
which word appeals to you more rain, scar, sun, fang, breath, or angel?rain
coke or pepsi?coke
hot tub or pool?hot tub
dark or light?dark
word association time green?What?
pure?not me
blood?my favorite drink
blow?I'll blow ppl up
knife?I prefer to use my hands
gun?Points up
rain?I love it
star?Shoot for it
grave?my bed
midnight?my day
cave?My room
bubblegum?smells good
fight?Fight me or die
justice?Justice there is no such thing. The weak shall die and the strong will rule
coffie?The best thing ever created
pain?amazing almost as good as sex
freedom?No such thing
are you a romantic?yes
whats your sign?Aries
what season do you like best?summer
have any pets?no
do you live in a town or city?town
any emotional illnesses?too many
any fears?Fear is for the weak
fav sports?soccer
any art?anime
writing?death/life poems
fav holiday?my B-day
how many times have you been told your good looking?too many
how many times have you been called smart?a hand full
overall view on yourself.....Not some one u want to find in a dark alley

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