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myOtaku.com: Fire Fox Sakurie

Monday, October 23, 2006

   Kingdom Hearts :: Darkened Stars Part 05
Well here's part 05 of my story! Whoooo!! I didn't think I'd actually keep writing this! Anyways, part 05 is mostly about Sakurie's past experince with the cave. It'll fill the questions you had from part 04. Hope you enjoy and please comment!

Part 05
The cave was pitch black and was filled with twists and turns which made it harder for me to walk. I held on to the side of the cave to balance and slowly scooted myself forward; one step at a time. Memories of time in this cave slowly, but steadily, came back to me. It had been one of the scariest days of my life. I thought back into those memories as I walked blindly into the dark.

It had only been about a month or so when this happened. It was before the four of us decided to journey out into the world. We were all on Destiny Island that day and were playing a few games to spend time together. Sora had suggested that we played hide-and-seek after the rest of us had ran out of ideas. “Yeh! That’s sounds that fun!” Kairi replied. Riku and I both nodded our heads of approval toward Sora’s suggestion. After another one of Sora and Kairi’s argument of who was going to count, Riku, Kairi, and I set off to hide as the grumpy Sora (unhappy that he had to be it) counted to twenty.

Riku and Kairi had a head start at running so I was the last person who was still out in the open. Sora had already counted to fifteen and I was desperate for a place to conceal myself. I quickly looked around. There was only a few seconds left. Just as I gave up on finding a place to hide, I felt that same chilling breeze going down my spine as I did today. I turned toward the direction of the breeze and spotted a cave just north of me. It seemed dark and cold but I had no where else to go. As quickly as possible, I dodged into the cave. Sora had already finished counting by that time and was dashing around furiously to find us. I had decided to go deeper inside so that it would be harder for him to find me if he did decide to look here. I slowly walked deeper and deeper into the cavern. The shadows seem to engulf the surrounding as I kept walking and eventually, there was no light whatsoever for me to see. I was petrified. I wasn’t someone who was use to the dark, especially when I was there by myself. My heart pounded faster and faster. I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breathes, but that seemed to make me even more nervous. I took another step forward but slipped on the unstable ground and collapsed to the floor; in pain. I laid there; just starring up at the walls. But there was no point in doing that. I could see nothing, not even my hands in front of my face. I decided that I was just going to stay where I was so when Sora and the others noticed I was gone, they could come find me.

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