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myOtaku.com: Fire Fist Ace

Friday, June 26, 2009

HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ I've been lazy when it comes to posting, ne? ^^;; Golly....Well, guess I'd better say something! So! First off, you know how I had two jobs, and one of them I hated? Well thank Gods I got fired from that one! ^^ *cheers and throws confetti* I was freakin' ecstatic!! X3 Of course I couldn't show it at the time, so I stayed calm and was just like, "Yeah...OK...Uh-huh...So...I can go home?" And with all seriousness, I almost skipped as I was walking away! XD Heehee! I was bouncing up and down and singing the whole ride home. So now I actually have some free time again, and summer isn't going to suck anymore~! ^^ Whoo~! Plus, I still have the job I like over at the Honky Tonk, so I'm still making money. Yay money! X3

Other than working, I've just kinda been lazing around mostly. Done a little bit of drawing, a whole lot of RPing, and I've been going to a fair amount of graduation parties. =3 Yeah, my brother's class graduated earlier this month. I'm so proud of him! T^T You know, none of my friends from my class had a party last year, but all our friends from my bro's class are having them. XD It's been fun seeing everybody. I love those guys~!

Em....other than that, not too much has been going on. It's been a pretty busy summer so far, though, and I hope it'll just keep getting more fun~! X3

Oh, last thing to mention: today is an anime birthday~! ^^ So yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~~! Happy birthday, Papillon~! ^^ *throws more confetti* You can bet Rayo and I will be celebrating soon! ^-^d Have a super awesometastic day, you guys~!


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